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From: Lauren M.
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 8:53 AM
Subject: March 17 Planning notes, things to do - by Marce
ID: 256273

Hello Everyone,

Attached you will find my compiled notes on our March 17th event planning. I have broken the event down by segments (i.e. Vera Cruz Park, Protest March, Sunken Gardens, Speakers, Workshops). At the end you will find big list of things To Do (including Press Conference, Volunteer Jobs, etc), and finally our next scheduled meetings.

I think i have included everything in here but please look this document over to be sure we are not missing anything. This document should help keep us moving forward with our plans.

You will notice ???? throughout the segments. These are items we need to assign to folks OR i don't know who is assigned. Please let me know which of these ???? you are or can commit to do. This should prevent us from *forgetting* important things - like flyers and ads.

We have a lot of ideas & energy but need to be as good with our follow-through to make sure these happen. For instance, we have been discussing "there will be a truck of tables for organizations to use" but i haven't heard who is getting these tables for us. We don't want to arrive up to the event realizing we assumed something would magically manifest.

Lastly, it is VERY important for all of us to be 100% committed to making this fabulous event happen in all it's awesomeness as we have planned BUT we must also not be 100% attached to everything working out as we have planned it - or else we will experience major disappointment! Be committed, but willing to Let Go of something that hasn't worked out as we planned.

As i have mentioned before, these things tend to take on a life of their own. On the day of, the event will happen and what will make it a success is that we are able to respond to it's needs AS THEY ARE ARISING! This is like giving birth & we are the midwives :-)

We must give this planning the BEST that we got, and when the event comes be ready to make the BEST of what comes. If our intention is to be prepared in this way we cannot go wrong. Remember - participants won't know the details of "what was supposed to happen" they'll just remember that it was a great experience overall. So don't discourage seek what is possible NOW and always Keep the Faith!

Lastly, someone please post this to our interspirit list - i still can't logon. Thank YOU! Marcelino

======================== I am posting this for Marcelino while we work out technical difficulties. In case some Mac computers don't pick up the attachment, I am also posting Marcelino's attachment in the Power of Peace Library. Click on Library and you can download and upload files posted there. Apologies to programming committee who will receive this twice. Lauren M H

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