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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 2:42 PM
Subject: Last min alert: Unlearning what no longer serves
ID: 256287

Trusting that this will find the right cocreators...

Today is my Jeff's weekly "clearing satsang".

Wed, April 7, 7-9 pm
365 Via El Cuadro
(Patterson, left to Hollister, left past Walnut, right on Via El Cuadro, 1 1/2 blocks on the right)

Jeff is bringing forward a powerful technique of intention for releasing old psychological frameworks, making much needed space for a new inner authenticity to emerge. We have envisioned this clearing skill as being an evolutionary advance that could only arrive when humanity was sufficiently conscious of its inner spaces, {and note the simultaneity of other systems arising, like Holodynamics and TAT.}

We feel that this is the moment for these new skills to emerge, when there is so much information and inner awareness that "overwhelm" is becoming a popular pasttime. And Jeff is showing up every Wednesday evening to offer his particular gift, his reframing of psychology to include the simple tools of intentional "unlearning" into the field.

Imagine a process that would gradually remove the triggers and "land mines" from your inner landscape... This is our family's experience; all our circle and meditative practices are gradually coming home, as we have faced and unlearned our personal, even species patterns of behavior, brushing our souls like we brush our teeth, bridging the sacred and the ordinary...

If this seems a right direction for you, come taste Jeff's centering and clearing techniques; and may all the bridges between our highest sacred moments and our daily lives be strengthened at this critical moment...

Namaste, Jeanie

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