Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Susmita Barua
Date: Thursday, March 8, 2007
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Today March 8 is International women's day and I felt totally energized and inspired by remembering how far I have come along with other women of the world. I feel blessed, inspired and uplifted with the strides women are making everyday everywhere…..

we are finding that sacred secret place within us that longs to return to that place of wholeness and unconditional love we are finally allowing us to feel deep within us

by letting go of all insecurities about losing love in our lives.

Go girls!!!! Celebrate, have fun, dance with your man or child or community ….

Its our day and our time to shine NOW! oday March 8 is International women's day and I felt totally energized and inspired by remembering how far I have come along with other women of the world. I feel blessed, inspired and uplifted with the strides women are making everyday everywhere…..

we are finding that sacred secret place within us that long to return to that place of wholeness and unconditional love we are finally allowing us to feel deep within us by letting go of all insecurities about losing love of our lives.

Go girls!!!! Celebrate, have fun, dance with your man or child or community ….

Its our day and our time to shine NOW! See my blog post here

I am very happy to say that my 2 hour Transformational workshop "Coming out of the Cocoon and Becoming a Butterfly" has been short listed for the GTW 2007 Congress, Sydney. I need to come up with $2000 quickly for the airfare. If any of you have any fund raising idea please let me know. I have approached a local charity for small partial help. Also my first joint publication "The Pearls of Wisdom" has come out, which has received good reviews. I am yet to post them.

I am also giving a public educational talk for the first time on "Transforming the Capital in Capitalism" for which I have worked quietly over the past few years. You can download my article FREE and share it with your community. Just pass it around. I am especially trying to reach my sisters and friends in Africa and south America.

Thanks so much.

Cheers and a big smooch and a deep bow to all women everywhere ;-)

Mita PS Congratulation Tonya on your first CD!