Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Thursday, March 8, 2007
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Dear Everyone,

My friend Carolyn Anderson asked me to post this for her...

A comment from me: Last fall I spent several days at Hummingbird Ranch, New Mexico, with the wonderful people of Global Family who are caretaking this garden on earth. With the vibrancy of nature all around, I tasted my wholeness there, and that experience has been guiding me every since. I highly recommend checking within to see if Hummingbird is calling you there into your next evolutionary step...

Summer 2007 Hummingbird Living School Programs
A Training in the Core Group Process
June 2 - 3
Join Carolyn Anderson and John Zwerver, the Co-Directors of Global Family, for an in-depth training to learn the Core Group Process and live an authentic life, feeling your connection to Source and all that is.more >> the Evolutionary Edge
June 15 - 17
Join Barbara Marx Hubbard — noted author, speaker, and social archittect — and a select group of pioneering souls on a magnificent journeey of Humanity Ascending: A New Way Through Together. Based on her new DVD series, Barbara will take us on a voyage through the unfolding path of the co-creator. more >> at the Evolutionary Edge
June 18 - 22
Do you sense a potent movement on the rise and know that you have an important part to play at this auspicious time of our evolutionary journey? Do you desire to live on the edge with passion, courageously opening to your full potential? Are you yearning to more fully embody your soul’s purpose and participate with others in birthing a new world? more >>

The most meaningful activity in which a human being can be engaged is one that is directly related to human evolution. This is true because human beings now play an active and critical role not only in the process of their own evolution but in the survival and evolution of all living beings.
Jonas Salk