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From: Hemitra C.
Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2007, 10:09 AM
Subject: From Girl to Woman
ID: 256794

Greetings Sisters!

I would like to introduce myself to you all. I am Hemitra Crecraft, age 59, a red web celebrationist, residing over women's rites of passage from menarche to menopause.

I have recently completed work on a three year film project, "From Girl to Woman," which is a DVD in four segments, providing a multi-cultural overview of the moontime teachings from indigenous grandmothers.

It is designed to delight and inspire girls as it broadens their understanding and appreciation of physical, emotional and spiritual transformations that begin at the onset of puberty. It also provides healing for women who were never honored at their first bloods.

The film is part of a global Coming of Age project that also includes workbooks and other materials to be utilized in the classroom and at home. The project components are designed to elevate a girl’s self-esteem, teach her to make wise choices, improve the bond of trust and intimacy between mother and daughter, connect her to a larger circle of young women her age all over the world and ultimately lead to self-discovery and personal empowerment so that, in time, she can take her place of leadership in a world starved for female sensibility.

Here is what women are saying about the film:

"We held our 7th grade Coming of Age ceremony and showed your DVD because it so beautifully honored young women's bodies and their menstrual cycles. Thank you for making it and sharing it with the women of the world!" -Sheila Andersen, parent Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School, Viroqua, WI and publisher of Leading Edge Review

"Today has been magical…I’ve just seen your DVD. How can I express my gratitude to you for this beautiful work you have birthed — it is so powerful — so important!" -Anique Radiant Heart, Australia musician/ceremonialist/teacher

"At last, a program that has it all — the biology, spirituality, wisdom lore, the Goddess —a long awaited resource for our young women!" -Alisa Starkweather Founder of the Priestess Path Apprenticeship

"...welcoming, gentle and beautiful, easy to understand and follow... the powerful images of nature and girls blending into one another over and over is a vivid reminder of our connection with the earth, the moon and natural beauty." -Anna C. Yang, RN Executive Director/The Red Web Foundation

"...speaks to the heart of every young girl on the verge of womanhood...beautiful, insightful, uplifting message...a treasure that no parent with a preteen daughter will want to pass up." -Kristi Meisenbach Boylan, "The Seven Sacred Rites of Menarche: The Spiritual Journey of the Adolescent Girl"

"very enlightening, beautifully produced... highly recommended viewing...showing us why we should be proud to be who and what we are!" -Angela D. Coleman, MA Sisterhood Agenda/ serving women and girls of African descent

"Oh, to have had access to the grand inspiration and affirmation offered by Hemitra Crecraft when I experienced my first blood, instead of the deadly Moddess instruction manual procured by my mom. From Girl to Woman is a pure delight and a contagious joy in being a woman. Brava!" -Donna Henes, author The Queen of My Self

I hope you will take the time to explore our web site and learn more about the Coming of Age Project and "From Girl to Woman."

With passion for the global restoration of women's wisdom, Hemitra Crecraft Devon, PA USA

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