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From: Joyce Skyfire V.
Date: Wednesday, April 18, 2007, 1:58 PM
Subject: Pluto's dance
ID: 256878

Navigating the Shift by Joyce Valenzano © 2007

From the Book of Revelations, to the prophecies of the Mayan and Hopi cultures, we find a common thread regarding our present time. That shared thread tells us we once again stand at the threshold of significant change. The expression of this change varies from dire “end times” prognostications to more life affirming and liberating views.

These basic themes indicate that we are not only to be witnesses to, but conduits for, what can become a monumental and evolutionary shift for humanity. Such shifts have occurred numerous times throughout our vast history but what makes this time unique is the swift exchange of information that the technological age has afforded us.

Previous Shifts

Our current technology is the evolutionary result of the last shift initiated in the 1700s with the birth of the Industrial Revolution. The agent for that shift was the planet, Pluto, aligned with the center of our galaxy. As the slowest moving planet in our solar system, with a cycle of more than 250 years, Pluto once more sits majestically at the heart of our Galactic Center.

The heart of our Milky Way galaxy, can be found at 26 degrees Sagittarius. In the center is a black hole that has both scientists and metaphysicians converging as we gain the tools needed to collect and assess data along with the spiritual insight necessary to intuit the influence this event will afford our species.

As mirrors of the macrocosm, our lives can be viewed as miniature versions of a larger truth and, as such, are inextricably intertwined with that larger truth; we cannot be separated from something of which we are an integral part.

It is a humbling and thought provoking idea to know that we can do a great service to humanity by reclaiming our power and resuming our roles as co-creators of this living and dynamic universe. Pluto’s conjunction with the Galactic Center provides us with the power to make this evolutionary shift.

Pluto & The Galactic Center

Astrologically, the keywords for Pluto are “transformation, metamorphosis, death, and rebirth.” The energy of this outermost planet can be considered a “trial by fire;” an “intense urge towards metamorphosis,” oftentimes calling for a “radical change.” In mythology, Pluto rules the underworld or (in modern terms) the deep unconscious realms of our psyches. Here he allows us to gain awareness of our deepest psychological urges. So, with Pluto as our guide, let us look at the significance of his position at the Galactic Center.

Sagittarius is the most philosophical of all the signs. Keywords for this Jupiter-ruled-sign are “versatile, expansive, positive, broad- minded and adventurous.” Always the seeker, Sagittarius desires growth and will not fail to broaden one’s horizon in search of higher truths. With Pluto pushing us towards transformation in a sign desirous of discovery, change is inevitable and the power to direct the course of it is within our grasp.

The astrological degree of this placement is 26 degrees. In numerology, 26 is reduced to an 8 and this vibrates to “power and influence.” With all these influences at work, it’s time to use this awareness to our advantage. We now stand ready to manifest a change unlike any before. Let’s now use the knowledge and power we each possess to chart a shift in our consciousness; one that will steer our world to a true “heaven on earth”. By learning to “Navigate the Shift” through meditation, ritual and personal changes, we will become the true masters of our destiny while creating for ourselves (and humanity) a much nobler and blissful way of life.

Currently Pluto is retrograde until September 7th, affording us some breathing time. When used effectively, this retrograde period graces us with the opportunity to divest ourselves of any remaining fears that keep us from fully reclaiming or power as co-creators. For those familiar with the book and dvd, The Secret, now is the time to work those “treasure maps” and to empower ourselves in each moment. For those unfamiliar with the information contained in that teaching, a treasure map is a material representation of that which you wish to manifest in your life.

Blissful Blessings, Sky

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