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From: Kavita B.
Date: Sunday, June 3, 2007, 9:10 PM
Subject: Centre for the Divine Feminine
ID: 257252


   Bringing the Divine Feminine into the World

I am looking for others who would like to join me in creating a 
Centre for the Divine Feminine, a spiritual sanctuary and center for 
research, healing, creative expression and social change, helping to 
bring the values and wisdom of the feminine into contemporary 
spirituality and society.

The center would serve as a welcome gathering place for women (and 
inspired men) to explore and express new spiritual approaches 
bringing feminine values and perspectives into balance with the 
masculine, both personally and globally. It would offer an on-going 
forum and facilities to renew and re-balance ourselves at all levels: 
psychologically, energetically, spiritually. Further, through 
creative expression, media communication and social action, we would 
reach out to help foster a much-needed balance on a wider scale, both 
in the collective consciousness and the practical structures of 
culture and society.

Peace-making, compassion, connection and communion – the traditional 
qualities of the feminine – are needed more urgently than ever to 
heal our current global culture of violence, domination and 
destruction. This is being more and more clearly recognized. 
Conferences are being held here and there around the world, on-line 
groups of women for peace-making abound, and now the time is ripe for 
an on-the-ground, living center of research and practice where these 
issues can be explored in depth and acted upon in a sustained way. As 
far as I know, no such residential community, providing an on-going 
forum on these issues, yet exists – yet the need for one is obvious, 
as well as inspiring and exciting.

Our premise is that transformation, personally and globally, depends 
upon the re-integration of the highest principles of the feminine in 
the collective consciousness and structures of society. The 
activities of the center intended to foster this vision would include:

1)	Creating a new spiritual paradigm incorporating the wisdom 
of the feminine, and a living sanctuary in which it can be developed
2)	Identifying and supporting innovative women spiritual 
teachers, and serving as a venue for their teachings and retreats
3)	Supporting and networking with peace-making and social 
change initiatives consciously bringing more feminine values into our 
social structures
4)	Exploring the role and levels of the feminine in the 
evolution of consciousness; re-examining “evolutionary psychology” 
from a higher spiritual perspective
5)	Researching historical, cross-cultural and contemporary 
concepts of the Divine Feminine, reflecting stages of consciousness 
from pre-individuation to trans-individuation
6)	Exploring the application of feminine values and 
perspectives to contemporary psychology and healing
7)	Offering counseling and energy-healing modalities 
incorporating the spacious, nurturant and co-creative qualities of 
the feminine
8)	Researching the biochemical substrates of gender 
differences in the brain as well as unitive consciousness, and 
implications for optimal approaches to unitive consciousness in each 
9)	Telling our stories, our visions, and sharing them with 
others: writing, song-writing, film-making, etc., for our own 
personal self-exploration, creativity and to inspire change in the 
greater society
10)  Exploring with men the place of the feminine, and the Divine 
Feminine, in their lives; sharing our stories, and journeys, to 
greater integration 
11)  Exploring the ways women and men can work together to free 
themselves from limiting socially- and biologically- conditioned 
patterns, into more expansive, unitive states of consciousness 
appropriate to higher human evolution
12)  Exploring the re-balancing of masculine and feminine as an 
entryway to nondual spirituality

These themes would be highlighted in regularly scheduled workshops 
and courses with residential and guest teachers, as well as an on-
going program of research, spiritual practice and sharing groups. 
There will be a project to support each other in expressing and 
sharing new social visions through creative media, and a project to 
actively network with other social change and peace initiatives based 
on the re-integration of feminine values and wisdom into spirituality 
and society.

Anyone interested please let me know; I’d be grateful for your 
suggestions and creative input. Ideas for an international venue, or 
a hosting organization or community, would be most welcome (venues 
being considered right now include Greece, India, Portugal, Costa 
Rica, Mexico, Brazil, Australia or New Zealand, but other locations 
may be possible.) If you feel inspired to get involved, in whatever 
capacity, please contact me, Kavita Byrd, at:
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