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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2007, 4:02 PM
Subject: GTW New Bulletin - June 20, 2007
ID: 257441

Dear Everyone,

As changes flow around and through us, we invite you to pause and notice what is calling you now. We offer the following GTW gatherings as opportunities to converge, connect, and cocreate what is right for you (more detail below):

Australian Congress, THIS IS THE MOMENT, July 6-8, 2007. Register at
3rd International Women's Peace Conference, Dallas, TX, July 10-15, 2007, GTW Friday workshop.
European Congress, March 2009, call to cocreators. Contact: Dr. Sabine Leuwer at
South American Congress, call to new leadership. Contact: Kathe Schaaf
Regional leadership and events, call to leadership for October "One Community" events. Contact Joy at or Marilyn at
Women's World Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010, call to cocreators. Go to for more information.

GTW is evolving itself, call for creative and financial help. Contact Jeanie at to feedback website ideas, and mail contributions to Joy Adams, 27882 Calle Marin Mission Viejo, CA 92692.
Appreciation and heartfelt blessings to Kathe Schaaf who has resigned from the Leadership Council of GTW, following, as she has always done, the call of her heart.


GTW, Australian Congress, THIS IS THE MOMENT
Women Inspiring Change
For Peace….for Earth….for a better World
July 6-8, 2007
The Women’s College, Sydney University, Australia

Register at

The Hon Linda Burney, 1st indigenous woman to be elected to the NSW Parliament will open the Congress!
Day 1 – Global Initiatives / Day 2 – Women and Power / Day 3 –Women and Human Rights / Social Justice.
Click the following links: for more program detail , to see who is a confirmed presenter , or to read the abstracts.
From the Australian cocreators down under:
Sisters, the time is here! This magnificent gathering is not to be missed! We look forward to seeing you there...

European Congress Planned for March 2009
Gather the Women is excited to announce the European Congress will take place in Bonn, Germany March 7-9, 2009. This Congress will invite women from historically and culturally connected European countries, the Middle East and the MAHGREB (Morroco, Mauritania, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya) to participate.

If you would like to be involved in the co-creation of this event, please contact Dr. Sabine Leuwer at .

Seeking new leadership for a South American Congress
The Congress planned for Salvador, Brazil at the end of October 2007 has been cancelled. GTW is inviting new leadership for a Congress which can bring together the women of South America in 2008. Contact Kathe Schaaf at with your creative ideas or connections.

Gather the Women’s Regional Activities
There are currently 29 Regional Coordinators in the United States, developing Gather the Women organically in many areas. The first state-wide conference was held in Idaho last week, with over 100 enthusiastic women from that state already planning next year’s gathering. Nation-wide events are coordinated in the many regions twice a year, but many centers meet more frequently, some support social action in their communities, and several are organizing themselves into non-profit status (Idaho, Atlanta, GA, and Nevada County, CA).

October Regional Gatherings
This October we will be coordinating our regional gatherings October 26-28 around the theme of “One Community”. As we do every March and autumn, we consider ourselves a global community of women becoming connected with other women in our own areas and activating our own communities.

To connect
Check out the list of regional coordinators in the United States at If you are not near an on-going center in the US and are interested in coordinating a gathering in your area, or if you are interested in hosting a regional gathering in another country, we would be delighted to help. Contact Joy at or Marilyn at

Many of the regional coordinators will be meeting at the 3rd International Women's Peace Conference in Dallas, July 10-15, 2007, and sharing their experiences at a workshop on Friday. Please join us.

Sofia Women's World Conference and 5WWC
As many of you are aware, women are indeed gathering around the world, many of them stimulated by the United Nations' 4th Women's World Conference in Beijing in 1995. When it became clear that the UN was NOT going to sponsor the 5th Conference in 2005, many women have come forward to build the energy and connections necessary for a 5th Conference to occur.

Millionth Circle, Gather the Women, Women's Intercultural Network, Anglican Women’s Network, International Public Policy Institute, Pathways to Peace, and many other organizations and women gathered in New York last February to foster this agenda at the UN's Commission on the Status of Women. Out of the February convergence at the UN has grown a Women's World Conference to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2010, thanks largely to Linda Stillman who was called into relationship with 5WWC’s grassroots circles, to accomplish miracles of collaboration in this short time frame.

The Sofia Women's World Conference will be a global assembly of women, men, and youth, conceived and planned by women, bridging into the UN-governmental-NGO world and connecting grassroots organizations. This important assembly is building upon Gather the Women's Continental Congresses and numerous other grassroots gatherings, to present to the entire world, the circle process, a timely and important model for collaboration. It will offer a clear view of women arising for global change, and hopefully, become the platform for partnerships with the UN to develop the United Nations 5th Women's World Conference! See for more information and to become involved in the cocreation.


Asking for your creative and financial participation in building our new web presence
Gather the Women is a unique kind of organization, totally fueled by the energy of volunteers. As more and more women have gathered, our website has become critically important for connecting women locally and globally. With others we can sense a new momentum arising in which the Internet will play an immense role, and our plans for a new web system to better serve the connections are dependent on jumping into the river of flow.

We need your participation to update our webhome and foster the local/global connectivity important to the gathering of women everywhere. We envision a global system (groundwork already laid) where every locality can present its own gatherings, where every woman can find her community. Your ideas are essential feedback; please contact Jeanie at Your contributions no matter how small or surprisingly big are also essential at this time. Please send what your heart wants to offer to Gather the Women, P.O, Box 80026, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (tax-deductible checks made out to Gather the Women please) or contact Joy at or by phone at 949-454-1349.

With deep gratitude to Kathe Schaaf
The GTW Leadership Council would like to announce that Kathe Schaaf is resigning from her heart-led post in the leadership of Gather the Women. She will continue to liaison those aspects of Gather the Women that have to do with 6 Congresses on 6 Continents, but as she has always done, Kathe is following the call toward her next steps of unfolding principles of feminine leadership. All of us are deeply grateful for her presence and guidance at Gather the Women, we know that the weave of relationship remains complete, and we send her many blessings on her journey.

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