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From: Jeanne M.
Date: Thursday, July 12, 2007, 10:12 AM
Subject: July 17, 11:11 GMT - Fire the Grid - Response
Reply to: 260201
ID: 257684

Regarding the inquiry about 7/17/07, there is a worldwide meditation and earth healing taking place at 11:11 Greenwich Mean Time - which is 6:11 a.m. Central Time - 7:11 a.m. Eastern Time and 4:11 a.m. Pacific Time.

Check out the Website for detailed information about this event.

This is an amazing event and the idea is to get as many people around the world to simultaneously spend one hour focusing on joy, happiness, personal positive memories, and sending this positive energy to the planet for the highest level of transformation and healing possible.

Love and Light, Jeanne

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