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From: Bettye J.
Date: Saturday, July 21, 2007, 8:18 AM
Subject: Making A Difference
ID: 257816

Greetings: For those of you who participated in Fire the Grid, I want you to know that we made a difference: FIRE THE GRID REGISTERS ON PRINCETON'S CONSCIOUSNESS COMPUTERS Click the link below to see charts and explanation. WE DID MAKE A DIFFERENCE ! July has been a busy month. I attended the Third International Women's Peace Conference in Dallas, Texas the week of July 9-15. It was an awe-inspiring conference with over 1,000 women from 43 countries and 32 U.S. states. I have spent this past week contemplating all I learned and also writing my synopsis of what I experienced and learned. I had the opportunity to meet a few of the Gather the Women members in a Gather the Women Circle. It was meaningful and it was memorable to be part of it. On the last day, Saturday, July 14, I led a discussion forum on Mary Magdalene. I have posted my synopsis of the conference on my blog with the title of "A Quiet Revolution". This is now on my blog at or Click on Author's Blog at I have also posted a new article titled: From the Mundane to the Divine on And...I have just posted an article on Scroll down to Faculty Forum and read my latest and perhaps a shocking article on Egyptian versus Bible history. History is like the shifting sands. I have had an interview with Dr. Tonya K. Freeman, Wisdom Talks, on the MOSA Radio which aired July 16 and is now archived. Please click on the site below. Part 2 will be aired August 27 Each of can make a difference in this world - if we only take 1 hour a month to take action on an issue affecting women. May your dreams and aspirations come to fruition like raindrops of gold. Bettye Johnson http//

"Life is like a tapestry. A chance meeting can lead to a beautiful new thread. We are weaving our individual tapestry with each choice we make." - Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls

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