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From: Judy T.
Date: Monday, August 13, 2007, 5:54 PM
Subject: NAINews Article: Meet your NAIN Board
ID: 258081

I am trying to compose an article for the Fall 2007 NAINews that introduces the Board to members / readers.

I have attached the article in rich text format.

I am uncomfortable that I do not have photos of all members and that I am unable to provide the same amount of text for all, due to my own lack of experience with the Board.

It would help me immensely if you would add/edit your own paragraph and provide a photo that I might use. If you do not like the photo I found or took at NAINConnect07, please send a preferred jpg. Please note that I only really want a few sentences for each, but at present it is very uneven.

I would really appreciate your edits ASAP, as my deadline is Aug. 15 for the fall issue. I will accept edits after that, but only until I actually post the newsletter.

I think it would really help us network if we knew each other better. Thanks for helping with this.

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