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From: Bruce S.
Date: Monday, August 20, 2007, 8:33 AM
Subject: Integral Design - One Theme...Many ways
Reply to: 260711
ID: 258191

Yes, Ram -- I think this is where we're going....

It does "include a lot of stuff" -- but it's my feeling that we're going to find some neat and elegant ways to embrace it all.

Just to get something going here -- it feels to me like the best approach -- is for me to act like a "graphics facilitator" -- following the way many group meetings and conferences I have been to put some person up in front of a blackboard or some butcher paper, and they start listing everything everybody wants to include.

I do have some detailed ideas on how this can come together -- but this conversation is very helpful for me, and I don't feel quite ready to be pushing my own point of view. As I have suggested -- the breadth and inclusion here just is a bit too much for any one human mind. We've got so much to work with, so many things to include -- it feels to me like the first step is simply acknowledging that we DO want to pull these pieces together....

The second might simply be -- finding the pieces, getting them identified, and getting them "on the table" (or, as I have said, into "a big bowl").

On this amazing list of "quotes" we have -- JoAnn is now approaching the magic number of 10,000. That's a lot...

JoAnn has been guided by her own instincts for how these pieces come together -- an amazing instinct -- very graceful. These individual quotes, it seems to me, are like the individual pieces of a huge jig-saw puzzle -- that we are now gearing up to put together.

WHAT do all these pieces add up to? What is the big picture? We are guided by our feelings, our intuition, our instincts, everything we know -- and by listening to others, when our own ideas run into our limitations. This is the power of collaboration -- indeed, of "democracy" -- as everybody brings their individual contributions to this rather large project....

As I look over Ram's list of suggestions, below -- what I think I will do -- is try to make sure that these categories are included -- if not in some exact or verbatim way, at least making sure they are "in the bowl".

We want to create a general model of "ontology" (in my opinion).

We want to embrace everything known about "the spiritual path" -- for the individual. What does that mean, and how does an individual seeker/chela/student "get there" -- how do they "realize Oneness"? What does that take?

And expanding that question to a larger group -- how do groups "realize oneness" -- ? Not only feeling interconnected among themselves ("horizontally") in a profound way -- but also "vertically" -- directly to the divine ground -- the One...

This is the "namaste" connection, potentially empowered across large social groups...

In ways that can influence the collaborative behaviour and collective decisions of that group....

We can still assume -- that each individual in this larger field -- is still going to be subject to the essential limitations of human cognition. No one of us is going to be able to "see it all", or "hold it all in our minds at the same time". It's just too much.

But -- we can hold it together through a collective teamwork/trust approach -- by setting up solid principles to guide and stabilize what we do -- and, of course, by inventing good "computer support" mechanisms, that can manage large amounts of information.

I am supposing that we are heading for a model that would include, among other things -- "the unity of science and religion" -- and the bridge between "right brain and left brain". For me, that seems essential in an "integral" model.

Today, we have specialists everywhere who can't talk to each other -- resulting in a huge cacophony and frustrating and often injurious "babel". The Integral Model -- needs to address that issue -- showing how all these specializations can be interconnected -- through a common framework, and perhaps a common language.

All knowledge arises "out of the One" -- and is held in unity through the One...

That's really a classical idea in western thinking -- essentially, the concept of "logos" -- as all these "-ologies" (bio-logy, psycho-logy, anthropo-logy, socio-logy, etc.) arise as different levels of expression from within the single larger cosmic template.

I think we can show how this works -- as a kind of "cognitive model" of individual human psychology -- and as a large-scale collective process -- intended not to crush human individuality, but to support its flourishing in a collaborative/co-creative context. In this framework -- diversity and "differences" are an asset -- a source of power.

Here is one image -- dealing simply with the concept of "scale" -- the "size" of things -- little things building up to big things. My guess is -- this "Ouroboros" shape -- the "snake swallowing its tail", an ancient mystical symbol -- points towards a kind of divine mathematics that can inspire what is emerging....

---- On Mon, Aug 20, 2007, Ram Varma wrote ---

Dear Bruce, Starr*, Wolfgang, Jeanie, Jonathan, Hillary, et all,

This is simply marvellous to note many forks merging into One big infinite mighty Ocean. Based on these unique contributions as predominant styles of all the contributors, looks like our Integral Design ( i.e. Realization/or whatever of Oneness) may possibly emerge with the following hierarchy:

1. Oneness Theme

2. Ways to Oneness Theme: Reality of Self-Universal Self, Integral Awareness/Knowledge,Integral Action, Integral Meditation, Integral Divine Love, Integral Law of Dharma, Integral Holon Concept....and so on.

3. Relevant Quotations (i.e. as very capably complied by JoAnn) for each of the above mentioned ways. Including relevant articles...all for individual intellectual awareness subject to further intrinsic deeper feeling-knowing for stream-lining purposes.

4. Authentic Dialogues (i.e. individual and group on-line) relevant to the unique respective ways to the Oneness Theme.

5. Self Zero-In Observations: What is and what is not. So that integral developmental plans can be refined on an individual and collective basis.

Since we are all unique people with certain predominat styles (strong inclinations to certain ways) along with subsidiary inclinations), we can all uniquely see where we individually and collectively align with. Then start to focus (intention and attention) accordingly. And see our unique ways as forks merging into one common infinite ocean of Oneness.

This is the ONE overall integral picture of the Tree of Life, I envision, as emerging from many branches of the tree and the roots. I am sure all such diverse aspects of Unity are being contemplated on at the GR forum. And Bruce, in his own wisdom and relevant expertise, would come up with a compatible Integral Schematic Design in the course of time.

I can also feel the pure divine energy resonating from all of us at the forum.

Great!. Let's keep on with it.

Love and Best Wishes.....Ram


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