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From: Nanka C.
Date: Thursday, August 23, 2007, 3:53 PM
Subject: Icelandic Sheep have homes -- thank you!
ID: 258230

Within a few hours of my posting yesterday, we had several responses. A few people emailed suggestions for other places to try, and I wrote back thanking all of them. Two people called requesting the sheep -- we are dividing the flock and delivering them in the next two weeks. Fortunately, both are within a few hours' driving distance. We also had one call about the farm.

All of these calls came from people who had been passed the information by members of GTW (or by other friends in between, I am not sure.) To all of you, we say thank you. We have been trying for weeks to find people able to take the sheep, and were becoming fairly stressed.

I joined GTW a couple of years ago, after reading a book by that name, and have received and read with interest the postings that have come my way. This is the first time I have tried it. Truly an inspired move. Thank you all. The power of womens' networks!

Nanka (and Bob).

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