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From: Lina E.
Date: Tuesday, August 28, 2007, 5:03 PM
Subject: My latest video uploaded (oops typo mistake!)
Reply to: 260800
ID: 258277

Hi again, when I wrote about my latest video, I mistakenly wrote "singing " instead of signing!!!! Silly me! I never was any good at spelling! Here's the corrected message....

Greetings from Australia!

"Bitter Winds" is a song about losing my first daughter to adoption. In the state of NSW alone, 85,000 women lost their children to adoption.

In a country like Australia, where the popluation is so small, these statistics affect a huge number of families !

Australia in the 1950's, 60's and 70's practiced Secret Adoption Practices, where young women, with no support or legal representation, were often drugged, bullied and brainwashed into signing adoption papers. Sadly, their children often have no idea of their mothers grief at not being able to keep them. The secrets and lies of adoption have made successful reunions a rarity. I hope my video will help tell the story for us all.

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