Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Terri Ring
Date: Saturday, October 27, 2007
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Are there any particular themes/intentions we should be focusing on as we gather this weekend?

Peace, Terri Ring

---- On Thu, Oct 25, 2007, Jeanie DeRousseau wrote ---

Now is the time

Do you feel an activation in the air? A sense that something wants to happen?

The circles and organizations that Gather the Women touches are filled with the falling away of the old, the stepping forward of the new... ideas, web presences, personal presences... and a deep call to collaboration.

Because of this energy, we are issuing a special call to join our Regional Gatherings this coming weekend and the following week, to gather wherever you are, with friends, family, or circles, and tune in to the call as it arises in you.

Some options:

Find a Regional Gathering near you in Maryland, Florida, Colorado, or California.

* Register your own gathering on the GTW Global Calendar by using your email address and the password below to login to our interactive website.

• Watch GTW’s video featuring Jean Shinoda Bolen, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and Jean Houston on the role of women today (email for more information).

* Simply listen in the silence for what wants to happen within you, and the connections that want to be made.

• Check out the many opportunities to engage with our sister organizations: Evolutionary Women, PeaceXPeace, Millionth Circle, Circle Connections, Sophia Women's World Conference, and Fifth U.N. Women's World Conference.

* Email us with the name and intention of your organization to become part of the collaboration on our re-newing website.

...and as you follow your heart, we urge you to become visible here, to post your gatherings whether small or large, to engage your organization. Together, as we become aware of the scope of our arising, we can inspire one another to step forward, to make a difference within ourselves and our families, within our communities and our world.

(Search for Gather the Women at, and be inspired. Check out especially Jean Shinoda Bolen, GTW in Nevada County, and the GTW African Congress.)

Blessings on us all in this critical time,
The Gather the Women Leadership Council
