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From: Ram V.
Date: Thursday, November 1, 2007, 7:09 AM
Subject: In the space of timelessness - opportunities...
Reply to: 261386
ID: 258853

Hi Alan D, et all,

Great Morning to you.

This is Ram, one of the long time subscribers to this great forum. Now coming direct to your concerns and inquiry:

1. Constance's statement about experiencing the silence in the space of timelessness is not only true but also very Self-empowering and Self-actualization. As it is all about accepting and being in the moment. In timelessness, one is so much immersed in the moment that there is no difference between the experiencer, experiencing and the experience. This is a state of Oneness. Of course, beyond the intellectual understanding and its limitations. So one has to allow oneself to go within and be the freedom, the awareness and the peace-joy one intrinsically is. And learn the skills to manifest the same in the day to day living of our lives; both on an individual and collective basis.

2. As to what one needs to do towards this realization, the initial step contains the wisdom of the inspiration of the day:

>>>The quickest way to lose inner peace is to argue with the way things are. The quickest way to regain it is to accept what is.<<< -- Ellen Grace O'Brian

Why not try allowing yourself towards it and seeing in experiential awareness what it brings to you? The wonders of the universe are not that far away as they physically and intellectually appear to be. This is where infinite possibilities as pure pontentialities are realized effortlessly and without any struggle. Once such an Awareness/Truth is seen even for a fraction of a second, then there is no more confusion/delusion. And such opportunities are available to all at all times. It is only then one feels-knows the incoming pure sustaining energy is inhaled as an incomig breath. And after being One with the resident pure energy of the Self, It exhales as a pure vibration back to the universe. In this Oneness, whatever is done is in alignment with That is. This is like living in this world but be not of this world. Looks impossible, however, it is not. With true intention, true attention and recognizing the Presence of That in all we do, it is all possible. In brief, we are talking about Silence and Presence where infinite possibilities are waiting for all. Try and see it for yourself, Alan.

The underlying secret is to let it happen to you.

May it be so for you, Alan D!!!

Regards and Best Wishes!


---- On Thu, Nov 1, 2007, Alan D wrote ---

Hello Constance (and others), I just stumbled across this forum the other day while seeking some solace from an inter-person difficulty centered in denial (on the part of the other party). I must say that posts to the forum seem scarce so, in the hope of some wise and enlightened responses, I submit this exercise which is among my current concerns.

Now you say:

"There is silence in the space of timelessness..."

To my naive perception all seems to be very noisy. Certainly, to me, the noises of the immediate chaos of human selfishness and hypocrisy appear to out-sound the "timeless peace and quiet" that you allude too. What specific work should I be doing to address this miss-perception?

I wonder how 'time', as you define it below, works upon our 'denials' in recognizing the egalitarian rights of others. I wonder what you folks might prescribe as a 'treatment' for any denial evidenced by the un-reasoning and un-willingness of an individual to relate to the rights and needs of others. In this current instance, by the blatant denying of observable evidences and there logical consequences.

It worries me that anyone can deny their obligations to give intelligent attention to evidence. This apparently deliberate blindness is at the centre of the denial - even the logic of my written representations seem to remain un-acknowledged. Even common courtesy is largely denied or appears as a bland platitude without feeling.

You also identify that every 'encounter' is a possibility (presumably you mean for both parties):

"...where we meet in the light of all possibilities..."

Perhaps you, or others, may express some thoughts on my dilemma regarding what to do next. What I might do to transplant a 'seed-of-possibility' and hope for the desert of reasonableness and justice into the psyche of a more financially empowered humanoid with an un-welcome pragmatic adjenda?

AlanWD (for whom, the insidious thing about physical life is that, before you do any 'thing', you have to do something else first:-)

---- On Wed, Oct 31, 2007, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

There is silence in the space of timelessness, in our universal stasis where there is an energy of boundless possibilities in the form of physical opportunities that present themselves in time, which in turn becomes a moment of the in take, breath, pause, the out breath is transformed, not into form, but into light, into the universe that stands between no one.


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