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From: lynda w.
Date: Friday, November 16, 2007, 2:58 PM
Subject: Promoting Therapies with Horses - Tenerife - Spain
Reply to: 261356
ID: 259009

Hello there I'm new here and noticed your path of working with horses and healing. I too am on that path. Not whispering but listening, truly listening to horses and allowing them heal us. Teaching others to do the same. Teaching others to tear down the walls of ego and really look inside. Would love to hear more of what you are doing. peace and smiles Lynda

---- On Fri, Oct 26, 2007, Martine D'Haeseleer wrote ---

Hi, Hello

I just need some help, because i am working a lot to promote my new

life dedication here in Tenerife Canary Islands and I need persons

able to help me.

My mission is to help Human and Animal Beings to free themselves from


Which can also be violence towards one self in different ways.

So i am looking for collaborators world wide, who are ready to help

in a professional way.

I send you the descriptions of the activities I Propose.

Please contact me for more infos. all your advices are wellcome.

One heart, one soul. Martine


Agenda of 'WoManHooD' Centre - Tenerife - Canary Islands A Training Centre for Alternative Therapies and Alternative professions OCTOBRE 28/10 ~ 01/11- 2007 Let's re-create our sacred and divine connexion with the Animal World and Nature. Seminar Retreat 'Horse Whisperers'~ Harmony and Peace. Tenerife

NOVEMBER 9-10-11 / Nov 2007 FORMACION - TRAINING in AlTERNATIVE THERAPIES 'PsicoEnergetic Therapy' Emocional and Energetic Liberation, Harmonisation y Reprogramming' - 1rst Part (Second Part in January) More details about the Training - please ask TENERIFE

NOVEMBER 25/11 ~ 29/11 - 2007 Let's re-create our sacred and divine connexion with the Animal World and Nature. Retreat Seminar 'Horse Whisperers'~ Harmony and Peace. Tenerife

DECEMBRE 08/12 ~15/12 - 2007 Let's Re create our sacred and divine connexion with ourselves and Nature Hiking Back to the our Source: Desert of Morocco Emotional Liberation - Energetic harmonization - Sophrology - Shamanic Painting


DECEMBRE 27/12 to 30/12 - 2007 TRAINING IN SHAMANIC PAINTING- ART AS HEALING More details about the Training - please ask

INSCRIPTIONS If possible take your decision one month before the event. Accomodations in TENERIFE NORTH AND SOUTH WEST Please follow the link: ecolo-sost.htm If you are interested in promoting these trainings, courses, seminars, retreats, please take contact with me.

Martine D. Proyecto WoManHooD Tenerife - Islas Canarias - EspaƱa (0034) 922 81 40 39 - (0034) 620 683 407


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