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From: Caite M.
Date: Saturday, December 1, 2007, 8:07 PM
Subject: Itinerary from Hunbatz for Mayan initiation
ID: 259169

Hi Everyone

I posted information on my Mayan tour January 21-28. I am posting here the itinerary written by the Shaman who will teach and guide us for Chichen Itza and other sites near Merida. It is beautiful and I think you will get an idea of the depth and power of what this tour will offer. Let me know soon if you are interested. Or pass it on! I am hoping that people who are really interested in ancient wisdom from the Mayans and their sacred Calendar and how this applies to 2012. This experience will be PERSONALLY empowering for anyone who participates.

INITIATIC TOUR TO THE MAYAN TEMPLES 619 565 5264. Caite Mathis January 21st to 28th, 2008 (Itinerary created by Hunbatz Men)

JAN. 21 Arrival of all the participants at the International Airport of Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Welcoming, picking up, and transfer to the hotel.

JAN. 22 4 AM Depart to the sacred Maya Pyramid of LOL BE. Here we are going to carry out a welcoming ceremony in honor of our Father Sun when “he” just comes out in the horizon. With music and burning of copal we are going to celebrate the coming of our Universal Creator and we are going to seek the communion of all the spirits of the present initiates with the one of our Great Father Sun. 7 AM Fruit breakfast. 10AM Return to hotel for relaxing and recharge energies so that we get ready to receive the lunar energy; first through a live experience and then through the teaching. 6 PM Return to the sacred Maya Pyramid of LOL BE. This time we are going to carry out the ceremony in honor of our sister the Moon, accompanied with music and the sacred smell of the copal, too. During this ceremony we are going to ask our Universal Creator to let the awakening of the 7 powers of women so that they teach us the balance our society needs to have. May the woman manifest herself with the cosmic power the creator Hunab K’u has deposited in her body! 9 PM Dinner.

JAN. 23 9 AM Breakfast. 11AM Depart to the Maya Temples of UXMAL. The right name of this place is UCMAL and it means “Eternal Moon”. However, the word UC represents the number 7, too. Here in this sacred place we will also try to access the memory of our creator Hunab K’u in order to learn how the ancient Maya interpreted the sacred number 7. Probably, it was closely related to the teaching of the 7 Indian Chakras, in the far away Asian country of India. This teaching will be conducted by teacher Lennie Martin. 3 PM Lunch. 7 PM We will enjoy the Light & Sound show at the Maya Temples of UXMAL or UCMAL. This show tries to make old historical Maya scenes come back to life. The wonderful set of lights decoration on the Maya Temples is really worth seeing.

JAN. 24 8 AM Breakfast. 9 AM Depart to the Maya Temples of DZIBILCHALTUN where we will review all what we learned at the Pyramid of LOL BE. Here at this place we are going to do a meditation in order to be able to access the memory of our creator Hunab K’u and ask him to let us learn about all the sciences of his cosmic wisdom. 6 PM Meeting of all the participants to review all what we will have learned about the sacred wisdom of the Maya Culture. We will try to respond every question the initiates may have, but the main purpose of this meeting will be to learn from each other because this is the only way to awake our sacred memory. This teaching will be conducted by teacher Caite Mathis.

JAN. 25 7 AM Breakfast. 8 AM Depart to the Maya Temples of CHICHEN ITZA. Here we are going to do another meditation in order to access the memory of our creator Hunab K’u and know the mysteries of our Father Sun. Here in the Pyramid of Kukulcan we will be able to find that wisdom, as well as the knowledge of other cosmic sciences. 2 PM Lunch. Return to the Maya Temples of CHICHEN ITZA to continue our initiatic work. This work can be done either in groups or individually if preferred. 6 PM Return to Merida City.

JAN. 26 8 AM Breakfast. 9 AM Visit to the Great Mayan Pyramid of K’inich K’akmo in Izamal. At this Lemurian Pyramid we will do the closing ceremony and give thanks to the Maya spirits of light. We will form the Merkaba light vehicle. Rainbow teachings. Chakra connection is violet, gold and white. 1 PM Lunch. 6 PM Meeting with all the participant teachers, Leonide, Caite, Hunbatz and some other teachers who want to take part or contribute with different points of view about the knowledge just acquired. 9 PM Dinner.

JAN. 27 8 AM Breakfast. Free day to relax or to go sightseeing around Merida City. We can visit places like Montejo’s Boulevard where we can see several monuments of different teachers or the Museum of Anthropology and Mayan History. In the afternoon, we can see a magnificent performance of Mayan folk dancing at Merida’s downtown.

JAN. 28 Transfer of all initiates to the International Airport of Merida City in order to take their flights to return to their hometowns.

Hunbatz Men Maya Itza Tradition

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