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From: Kathleen T.
Date: Monday, January 28, 2008, 9:51 AM
Subject: A new book to share-The Pandora Prescription
ID: 259595

I've just read an interesting new book (I couldn't put it down til I was finished!) that reads like fiction, much like the DiVinci Code, but contains a lot of factual information about cover-ups in the health care industry. I share this because as we venture into discussions of health care in this country, the more transparency we can add to the process the better. I felt it shed a lot of light on many topics both politically, and historically, and I could see why some present day topics are not covered by the American Mainstream Press - for one example, why John Edwards isn't getting as much media attention as he deserves, among other things.

The name of the book is "The Pandora Prescription," by James Sheridan.

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