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From: Kathe S.
Date: Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 6:18 AM
ID: 259609

Dear friends of Kenya:

Joyce Oneko has asked for my help with a special project.

Joyce has recently been invited to participate in a global women's summit being convened in Jaipur, India in March 2008. This event, 'Making Way for the Feminine For the Benefit if the World Community", is being anchored by Global Peace Initiative of Women ( and will bring together 400 world leaders from religion, government and civil society. This event is 'by invitation only' and offers Joyce a unique ability to network on a global scale.

She feels it is vital to be able attend and has already submitted the necessary registration forms to GPIW and completed visa applications. She has also requested to be given space on the Summit program so that the story of this moment in the history of Kenya can be told.

A special fund has been created to allow Joyce and two rural Kenya women leaders to travel to Jaipur so that their leadership may be acknowledged and their voices may be heard in this global forum. While their registration and lodging are being provided by Summit organizers, the airline tickets will cost approximately $2000 per person.

Joyce is clear that this opportunity to go to India is not a frivolous thing in this time of crisis in Kenya; it is a powerful way to gain visibility and generate the global support that African women need to continue toward self-sufficiency and caring for their extended families. In Joyce's words, "There is a lot of work to be done, and it is women who have to give direction .... so the only way to start is to 'show up' ."

You can help Joyce 'show up' for this valuable opportunity.

It's simple -- just send a check made out to 'Gather the Women' (with the notation JOYCE in the memo line)

Gather the Women
P.O. Box 80026
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

Please send me an e-mail so that I know to expect your check. (

Thank you so much for your support of Joyce's leadership and your understanding that this opportunity is a vital aspect of capacity-building for the women of Kenya at a crucial time.

In gratitude, Kathe

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