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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 10:47 PM
Subject: Let there be peace on earth & let it begin with me
ID: 259719

Dear Joyce,

Your words are so heavy to hear. You describe an immense task before us ... of first of all, safety, food and shelter, but then reconciliation and forgiveness, appreciation for the value of life in all its diverse forms, reaching for harmony, unity, solutions to humanity's challenges...

We are only beginning, it seems, to heal the divisiveness so long a part of humanity's path, but we are beginning. I see you taking step after step, whenever there is something to do. And my heart is your heart... I feel with you the frustration, the difficulty, the moments of lightness, the children... and you inspire me...

I will take the steps I see to take. I will walk beside you, wherever I am, and be with you to do whatever I can. And I will sing with you whenever I can...

[Words to the song you asked about...]
Let there be peace on earth,
and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on Earth,
the peace that was meant to be.

With God as our Father,
brothers all are we,
Let me walk with my brother,
in perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me,
let this be the moment now.
With every step I take,
let this be my solemn vow,

To take each moment and live each moment
in peace, eternally.
Let there be Peace on Earth,
and let it begin with me.

And the melody can be found at

We are so many of us stretching awake to our great tasks, and together we will accomplish what is needed for love to prevail. We will weave a better cloth for our children.

With love and many blessings, Jeanie

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