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From: Jane A.
Date: Monday, February 11, 2008, 9:17 AM
Subject: Oneness Vision
Reply to: 262300
ID: 259754

Greetings EveryOne,

(1). In regards to the cause of disagreement within our civilization, the world, I believe is apparent through my own life observation (A smaller world scale), what I have looked at has NOT been that of truth. Truth being perfection in all things. I have a prayer that I put by my sink in my home which reads:

"Dear God, Thank you indeed for blessing this planet, and all mankind and for awakening Thy love within all hearts. Bless us dear Father that everyday is lived in Thy consciousness so we may daily become newly intoxicated with Thee. I thank you for improving our knowing in body, mind and soul and that Your hand be with us always. We Thank you Father for reversing the trends of our lives and for enlarging our territory. That You would indeed keep us from evil to help us live free from pain as to live daily in Your Peace". Amen!

You see I believe that what I ask for I shall receive, in time.

Ram >>> "I am wondering if you would like to share how you feel-know such a unity on an individual and collective basis?"

Jane>>> Ram I have come to the realization that I actually do matter to such a huge degree that it is mind-boggling. I feel this new energy is more of a constant flow through my heart region. Where I focus my attention this energy expands and once this ball starts gaining momentum, then I believe you will begin to 'see' more smiles upon faces for apparently no reason.

(2). As for my unique experiences, this experiment has allowed me to stay focused on the Truth. If I may use a par-phrase of Peter Blanks: "When you realize that you are illuminated you will be". Now, I have been taught that what I think about I become. As I see more clearly, so will you… and you are everyone else… I am not collectively 'there' yet. Though I am confident this frontier I shall conquer. "I can be what I will to be."

(3). I find when I hold my attention on my heart I imagine myself a blackhole and I draw the entire universe into the light where we may all see with totality. As I remain here my love expands in all directions simultaneously.

Michael said: >>> ...We need a new vision to unite humanity...<<<

Jane>>> I am not sure we need a 'new' vision. As for mySelf, I just need to say constant with a vision of unity within the Light of Gods Love. For it is in our constant dialogue and focus that we create. Thank you!

Namaste, Jane

---- On Sun, Feb 10, 2008, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi All,

This is further to an initial dialogue with Michael; inspired by the relevant theme,"Meditation Adventures" at UCS.


Hi Judy, Jane, Dogon,Michael, et all,

Thanks for sharing your 'unity' experiences through your own unique meditation ways. In this regard, may I respectfully submit the following observations for authentic dialogue purposes.

1. Mention is made of Baha'u'llah 's vision for world congress and how it can be regulated. The article shared at the UCS forum goes back to 1936 about 72 years ago. In view of the fact that the Earth needs the Spirit and the actual working of such a united body so badly, I am just wondering: what is the progress made so far and why we are going through so much of disunity/turmoil in stead of unity in the actual working relationships worldwide? And also in baha'u'llah's unity prayers, I notice: "O my God! O my God! Unite the hearts of Thy servants and reveal to them Thy great purpose.....". Somewhere it is said in the sharing that it kind of implies duality between God and us being God's servants...... On the other hand in the case of non-duality/Oneness, we are all parts and parcels of God......Just One from the same One Source..the sustainer of universe. From whom all things proceed and to whom all things return. Since most of you have shared unifications experiences, I am just wondering how this unity is going to be experientially brought about on earth; felt , known and realized in the most working state; interconnected and intercommunicated as such? As an ongoing Unity World Order!

2. From your own unique experiences, I am wondering if you would like to share how you feel-know such a unity on an individual and collective basis? And do you really feel-know all the beings in your own Spirit and also all the beings in the sustaining Spirit/Source at the same time?

3. And what do you do to merge your entire being in that all-pervasive Spirit? So that you are neither inside anything nor outside of anything. And remain in that place totally absorbed in That Self everywhere. And in that state you are the fullness, you are the Self-Bliss. And you experience that you fill the entire universe like the cosmic ocean.

Incidentally, Dr. Michael Ellis, posted a similar notion at LRIG-All and Lightpages when he said, " we need a new vision to unite humanity....." and some initial dialogue is already in the field in the fore-mentioned forums. And I see such a dialogue in tune with each other.

I am glad we are all getting deeper into our experiential awareness and sharing the same at the unity forums as such.

In appreciation and in the ongoing process of experiential-realization as such.

Thanking you all for your great contributions.


---- On Sun, Feb 10, 2008, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi All,

Michael said: >>>...We need a new vision to unite humanity...<<<

Ram: Thanks, Michael, for refreshing our enthusiasm for a new vision to unite humanity. I can see four ingredients for such a new vision and they are as follows:

1. Knowledge (of the Self).

2. Unbearable Impact of selfish-cruel actions on Earth.

3. Inner disturbance/imbalance burning alive the individual and the collective.

4. Genuine Infinite imagination towards integration; both individual and collective.

I am sure there are more such unifying elements. What are they?

Once we know them reasonably well, I think then we can come up as a group what can unify the humanity the best. So far, based on earlier realizations, almost by all the religions, such a globally unifying element is that Unseen thread of the Self (in all of us) that holds all of us together. And That seems to fill the entire universe like the cosmic ocean. When we contemplate the Self, we can experience it as a pure awareness of extreme joy (of union) when the seer (the experiencer) comes into contact with the object (the experience), without a division or conceptualization. It is in the middle of twin concepts of "is" and "is not". It dwells in all the bodies just as the fragrance resides in flowers. It is not realized by all because only very rare ones enquire into the truth concerning the Self. It is the one sole and cosmic reality in the whole universe, experiencing itself in utter tranquility.....and it is in all the bodies. One who adores it, is free from arrogance and pride; as is established by the seers of the Truth.

In my openness to all the avenues in this regard, of course, comments are invited? As they can only be helpful in enhancing our earlier experiences towards such a cosmic realization. And at this time it looks like an ongoing journey.


---- On Sun, Feb 10, 2008, Michael Ellis wrote ---

Yiou may be interested in my views regarding one ness

What is needed is the awakening of a new consciousness and creativity to the challenges posed by the deep crisis that humanity now faces. We are at the summit of 6.5 billion years of evolution. The biosphere is a panoply of beauty and creativity with the mountains, Sunscapes, moonscapes, wild forests and the enormous biodiversity offlora and fauna. It is only in the past 20 years, have we at last realised through science our deep kinship with all living species on the planet. And this comes with the dread realisation, that our biosphere and planet are now on the sixth phase extinction of biodiversity, which is occurring at 30,000 species a year. The last time that this occurred was 65 million years ago, with the extinction of the dinosaurs.. Humanity is now an endangered species

For over 100,000 years, until 10,000 years ago, humanity existed embedded, in nature. in harmony with its rhythms and cycles. Two and a half thousand years ago, around the great rivers of the Indus, Euphrates and yellow River, the great religions of the world began in an axial revolution. 500 years later, Christianity was born, and in its own way as with all other religions. Christianity, contains the symbols of the seasons and of the rhythms and cycles of nature.

All the great religions of the world, are there basically, to enhance the sacredness of value inherent in human life and all of life.

In particular, all the great religions have within them an esoteric or hidden message, which is in direct connection with the ancient wisdom of the indigenous people of the world. This is the depth and wisdom inherent in the human heart and also our deep connection with the symbols and meaning of the flora and fauna of nature in terms of totems, shamanistic symbols. flowers such as The Lotus etc etc which by their very nature reach us to higher spiritual levels of experience and consciousness.

Harvard University's Forum on Religion and Ecology ( is the largest international multireligious project of its kind. The overall aim of its work is to find what connects rather than what separates us in terms of religions and ideologies. The environmental crisis, especially the loss of biodiversity, highlights our need to connect with the common ground of our interconnectedness with all of life and the need to highlight our deep respect for the sacredness of all of life

We need a new vision to unite humanity.

Indeed, this vision is happening in various fields around the planet. We only have to look at the earth charter, which is an expression of a new form of global governance, based on deep respect for the sacredness of life. This ties in well with the many citizens movements, which seek for a more equal representation of the voices of the people that they may be more clearly heard and represented.

There is also the development of new disciplines and understandings of religion and ecology, science and religion, holistic medicine, holistic education, involving the environment and also ecological economics, especially the work of Hazel Henderson.

A new religion or a new consciousness will need to encompass a Meta paradigm which brings together a more unified understanding of our place in the universe






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