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From: Dave I.
Date: Wednesday, February 27, 2008, 2:18 AM
Subject: New Lease on Life
ID: 259872

Hi folks, after nearly 14YR of going down slow with prostate cancer, I am pleased to report that since the first of this year, I am in remission.

The feeling engendered in me is a profound thankfulness. The second reaction I've had is in response to a tack I took about ten or twelve years ago. I was trying to follow the latest on African Pygeum, Saw Palmetto, Selenium et al, ad infinitum. One day I finally threw up my hands and said,"From this day forward I will assume that as long as I am serving a useful purpose here, I will remain here and when I no longer am serving a useful purpose here or have a more pressing assignment elsewhere, I will be moved to that assignment. And furthermore my being has the intrinsic wisdom to manufacture or seek out the natural or man made compounds to maintain me for the task at hand. It took a load of my mind and simplified my life, plus I wasn't running scared any longer. I must say that while I refused, at Don Kaplan's suggestion, all treatments offered by Kaiser, I did avail myself to Essiac Tea and have taken it, with a two year hiatus in 2006-2007 for thirteen years beginning 1995.

So, the big question then, is, if I am being saved for something,"What is it?"

My answer is,"I don't know but if I try real hard I just might find out"

My colleague of thirty-one years, Dr. Thomas Podzuweit, of the Max Planck Institute in Bad Nauheim Germany and I have created the "Primavera Prostate Cancer Foundation". Primavera means "springtime" in Latin and Italian.

We have been at work less than three weeks and Dr."T" has already made some promising observations about prostate cancer.

I should tell you that Dr."T" has spent the last thirty-five years becoming the world's foremost authority on the chemical nature of the common heart attack.

If you wish to see what I did for him, go to: then go to "More" then go to "Still More" and you will see the analytical apparatus I built for him in Cape town in 1977.

We hope to publicize the foundation by attempting to better the world speed record for motorcycles(354) or possibly for piston powered autos driven through the wheels(427?).

Maynard Smith,S62? recently bought a Camaro to try for that record which I believe is 239.

James Kaplan, S62? expressed an interest in sponsoring a single cylinder motorcycle attempt in 1995. If I can lure him out of his hermitage near Sante Fe, maybe he will be interested.

Any of you whom have skills or labor and would like to contribute, please contact me.

Thanks for hearing me out or listening to an old man ramble whichever you think fits best.

Dave Ijams S58

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