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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Friday, March 7, 2008, 8:37 PM
Subject: Heart power: women gathering in March 2008!
ID: 259992

This is a call to all the women of these times, to know our unity, to come together, to lend our coherence to the greater whole of humanity ...

Now is the time to ...

Come together in circles and gatherings to celebrate the women of the world.

GTW gatherings are being held on or about International Women's Day, March 8, 2008,
and all through March, Women's History Month.

Check out our International Women's Day Calendar for a GTW gathering near you, or host your own. There's still time to contribute your courage and commitment to the women rising...

Something happens when we come together for the good of humanity. We reinforce one another, and add the energy of mutuality and peace to a world sorely in need of it. (And sometimes the heart power we produce even catalyzes action for ourselves and our world...)

GTW is committed to networking and supporting on-going circles that often arise from these March regional gatherings. We offer many ideas at, including other events, resources and sister organizations that may call or inspire you. Feel free to contact for more information and for technical help in using our interactive website.

A wide variety of other gatherings for International Women's Day may also be found at

Envision, pray, and meditate for unity with women around the world.

Today March 7 is the first full day of an extraordinary Summit Conference taking place in Jaipur, India, sponsored by the Global Peace Initiative of Women ( The focus of the summit is: "Making Way for the Feminine for the Benefit of the World Community". Women leaders from all over the world from social, political and religious sectors are gathering for this most timely and important purpose.

You are invited to 'hold space' with prayer, vision, intention and resonance during these four days with and for the women who are representating all of us at this historic event. Check GTW's Bulletin Board frequently for more information or to post your own intention.

A 5 hour period of prayer opened the conference last night and continues to invite both our contribution and alignment. The intention is/was that each person's connection to their inner source would gather the world's religions and traditions toward a common wisdom for the entire conference. Interestingly, the event in Jaipur overlaps with both International Women's Day, and the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Imagine the convergence of deep spirituality with these great secular initiatives to bring the women of the world together.

As the conference organizers write: "Much guidance will be needed for the human community as we work to create a more peaceful, balanced and harmonious world. This time together is precious, so let us join our spiritual energy and intentions and let this day of meditation and prayer be an offering to all beings in need of uplifting, for the betterment of the world community and for the wellbeing of the earth with its many life forms."

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