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From: Karen T.
Date: Monday, March 31, 2008, 1:36 PM
Subject: Men Speak Out in April - Voices of the Sacred Feminine - Starting April 2
ID: 260292

Greetings Friends, Many of you among the ranks of those who consider themselves Goddess Advocates often may notice there are not yet as many men involved in that delicious multi-layered onion that is She of Ten Thousand Names. There are many women with much to say about the Sacred Feminine as deity, archetype or cultural, social or political phenomena - but often times the men's voices get drowned out. But certainly not in April.....and hopefully men's voices will continue to ring out more often in times ahead. on Voices of the Sacred Feminine. Please tune in on Wednesday nites during the month of April - or listen at your convenience anytime from the Archives.

Here is our line-up for April:

April 2 -- Chris Penczak, author of Sons of Goddess, discussing being a man in the Goddess Movement. April 9 - Dr. James Rietveld, Foremost U.S. authority on Artemis of Ephesus speaks about the power of Artemis April 16 -- Conscious Living TV Hosts speak about Earth Day and all that means April 23 -- Dharma Windham, author of the Reluctant Goddess, discusses Cleopatra and her links to Isis April 30 -- Tim Ward, Author of The Savage Breast, discusses how finding Goddess has changed his life and relationships with women.

* For more about Passionate Voices of the Internet Click here: * Voices of the Sacred Feminine SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING GUESTS: For the most complete list of upcoming guests, click: * * Voices of the Sacred Feminine ARCHIVES of past shows: click here:

And if you enjoy this kind of programming, please support the show by: * Sharing news of the shows * Blog about it * Link Voices of the Sacred Feminine to your website * Enjoy it and tell your friends! * And send in your show ideas....

-- All the best - Karen Tate

Voices of the Sacred Feminine Internet Radio

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Tours of the Sacred Feminine coming in 2008: PARIS - May 2008 or Two weeks in TURKEY - October 2008

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Walking An Ancient Path - Coming June 2008

The Isis Ancient Cultures Society (IACS)

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