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From: Karen T.
Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 4:06 PM
Subject: Sacred Tour to Turkey - Teleconference Available
ID: 260642

Come with us to Turkey! Hear the Teleconference... See the slide show

From the website above..... *Click on the Triple Goddess icon for the itinerary * Click on the speaker icon to hear the teleconference *Click on the slide show icon to see the sites & hear more.... (coming next week)

Immerse yourself in the essence of the Sacred Feminine in Anatolia, the "Nourishing Mother" as she was once called.... A true gem of a destination for sacred and purposeful travel, few places offer so many exciting activities and varied sacred sites of Goddess awaiting discovery in one sacred pilgrimage - and Turkey is NOT YET on the Euro!

Visit temples of Athena, Aphrodite, Cybele, Mary and Isis. Stand in the temples of Artemis, including outside Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Explore Hecate's only standing temple and the famous Neolithic site of Catal Hoyuk. No longer swept beneath the sands of time, Goddess sites come alive on our journey, giving you the rare opportunity to connect with the Divine Feminine among Her ancient stones, on Her still potent sacred soils.

Adding to this potential opportunity to glean a more intimate awareness of Goddess is the chance to visit these sites with other women and men of like-mind on this very specially designed custom sacred journey focused on the feminine faces of deity. When possible along the journey, the group will have private time for ritual, group sharing and meditation, in an attempt to facilitate a deepening relationship and understanding of Goddess, often more difficult to do in our busy, urban and contemporary lives.

Group is limited to 30 participants and tour is filling! Registration closes September 17, 2008 or sooner if group fills before that date. Book NOW to reserve your place and avoid disappointments

TOUR LEADER BIO: Karen is a prolific writer, published author and tour organizer who has had her passport stamped numerous times traveling across five continents seeking out sacred sites of Goddess. Her most recent published works are SacredPlaces of Goddess: 108 Destinations - which has garnered an endorsement from the Joseph Campbell Foundation, and Walking An Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth - due out June 2008.

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