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From: Karen T.
Date: Monday, May 5, 2008, 10:34 AM
Subject: Trafficking of Women w/Sandy Kirkpatrick on Voices of the Sacred Feminine
ID: 260728

Listeners, Did you know 85% of humans sold into modern day slavery rings are women and children - usually female children? How would this trafficking in human misery be changed if goddess were still a part of our religious beliefs today? According to my guest, humanitarian, activist and writer, Sandra Kirkpatrick, the impact would be enormous. When Goddess was worshiped She was seen as the Mother, caring equally for both her sons and daughters, but today, daughters are not equally valued in modern societies across the globe. You might be surprised to learn that 200,000 human beings are trafficked in the U.S with that figure rising to 12 million internationally......Hear more Wednesday, May 7 - live, or from the archives.....

If you'd like more information about upcoming guests in May, including *Jean Shinoda Bolen*, James Reitveld, Jayne deMente, and Leslene della Madre - discussing topics ranging from social/political change, death, and the magickal practices and cults of Artemis.

_*For more information click on*_: _* To access Passionate Internet Voices Talk Radio to listen live or from the archives click on:*_

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Thank you for tuning in to Voices of the Sacred Feminine every Wednesday night, or listening at your convenience from the archives. You are helping make VSF one of the fastest growing shows on Passionate Internet Voices Talk Radio!

-- All the best - Karen Tate

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