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From: Karen T.
Date: Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 10:36 AM
Subject: Women's Voices, KZYX and Z hosts Karen Tate on 5/13 - 7PM Pacific
ID: 260765

Janie Rezner's guest on Womens Voices, KZYX and Z, Monday, May 13, 7 pm is Karen Tate, whose newest book is Walking an Ancient Path, A Guide Toward Mainstreaming the Sacred Feminine. Her first book, Sacred Place of Goddess: 108 Destinations, blends her experiences of women-centered multiculturalism evident in archaeology, anthropology and mythology with her travel experience.

A graduate of the Women's Thealogical Institute, she is founder of the educational, art, and cultural organization, The Isis Ancient Cultures Society. An Adepta within the International Fellowship of Isis, Karen was ordained by one of its founders, Lady Olivia Robertson, at Clonegal Castle in Ireland. Karen spends much of her time giving interviews, teaching, and lecturing, and is a partner in SHE SPEAKS Productions of television and film.

There will be time for call-ins. Can be heard live at at 7 pm Pacific time.

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