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From: Mary T.
Date: Sunday, May 11, 2008, 8:15 AM
Subject: Fabulous!
Reply to: 263445
ID: 260886

--- On Sat, May 10, 2008, in msg263445, Mary Trainor-Brigham wrote ---

Dear Star*, Interesting you should bring up my book, and the fact that you did re-enforces my faith in Indra's net, or the Po'e Aumakua (Gathering of Souls, Higher Selves) as the Hawaiians would say. Just today I am having some post-partum (manuscript is in but not yet printed) issues with the publishing house that are leaving me feeling suspended and a tad anxious.

I ask for any Spiritual engagement (e.g.prayers) you can stream its way for a peaceful and fair resolution. Am hoping "All will be Well," and shall keep you informed.

Aha! I met a woman from Perth who's an expert on Dolphins and she informed me that they're the horniest creatures! I wonder how they rate alongside Butterflies, who have eyes (photon cells) on their genitals ~ imagine the advantages!

Shall ans your ques re: DEEP CINEMA another time, as an outside commitment calls right now. Thanks for your interest. O! One film I reference in it which you may enjoy is SORCERESS, available on Amazon. Another is ANCHORESS. Which viewing region, for DVD's, is Australia?

'Till Next, Aloha Nui! Mary

--- On Sat, May 10, 2008, in msg263444, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Aloha nui nui Mary! I am writing from Australia but have lived in Hawaii for many years as well as New Zealand and other places. I live in a surburb of the most isolated city on earth - Perth on the Indian Ocean. I am thrilled to read of your endeavors with Deep Cinema and the Sharmanic Initiation.

Mary writes: Having had a life-long fascination for Indigenous Cultures and an equally long delight in Movies, I have recently brought those two pleasures together in a book, due for publication by Michael Wiese in Autumn 2008:

DEEP CINEMA Film as Shamanic Initiation

Starr*: I have spent much of my life involved with Indigenous peoples - so it is most natural that we should meet in this lovely forum. Are you able to tell us more here in the forum about the way these two interests have come together. If not certainly I will contact you.

Living Love - Starr*

--- On Sat, May 10, 2008, in msg263443, Mary Trainor-Brigham wrote ---

Greetings again! Are you writing from Australia?

"You're welcome," or, as the Haitians would say, "You are deserving!" Please feel free to e-mail me privately anytime. At any rate do keep me posted on this wondrous and much-needed project which you infuse with scintillating life-force! I'll review all your postings on this forum with warm interest.

Aloha nui!

--- On Sat, May 10, 2008, in msg263442, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hi Mary

Mary: Star, that was one scene I had issue with: when she was being choked and she just stood there so erect and strong~ I GET the choice as saying her Spirit couldn't be snuffed out, but I think if her eyes closed, head tilted or something more human was shown, bleeding into an image of her Eternal nature, via a conscious, wise expression on her face against the sky...something...I mean we have to allow for the mortal Death before the Rebirth, esp as it was probably anguishing for so many.

Starr*: I do have some great footage of Her showing Her longing for reunion with Source and Her unwavering love that may have helped that scene which was not put into the edit. Also, as you suggest there is one after the stranglation where her head falls to the side (showing the human reality) as you suggested. If ever I do another edition of the footage I will keep your astute comment in mind.

Thank you once again for your responses and for letting me know that the film is informative - something I really wanted to accomplish. I have to admit that until I started doing the research there was a great deal about Tahirih's life and status that I didn't know either. However, Love for Her and Her mission kept me motivated to discover more.

Loving regards - Starr*

--- On Sat, May 10, 2008, in msg263441, Mary Trainor-Brigham wrote ---

Yes, of course she must have known what the consequences would have been for her "disclosure" of her face in all its humanity-Divinity! The fact that the man slit his throat and she was choked to death are chilling....the area of the throat, the voice, who can speak, who gets silenced are universally important.

Star, that was one scene I had issue with: when she was being choked and she just stood there so erect and strong~ I GET the choice as saying her Spirit couldn't be snuffed out, but I think if her eyes closed, head tilted or something more human was shown, bleeding into an image of her Eternal nature, via a conscious, wise expression on her face against the sky...something...I mean we have to allow for the mortal Death before the Rebirth, esp as it was probably anguishing for so many.

Again I thank you for this and am AMAZED this is the first I'm learning of her story! Mindful and vital work ~ Deep blessings throughout your heart!

--- On Fri, May 9, 2008, in msg263432, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Thank you Mary for your interesting and insightful remarks and for spreading the word about Tahirih.

Mary: "It was stunning how non-plussed she was in the face of that patriarchal suicide, showing a new demeanor indeed."

There was compassion when she looked down - but it was momentary in relation to the importance of the 'Prophetic" moment which would mark the end of patriarchy and the beginning of the cycle of balance. Twenty thousand went on to die for birthing this new day we are all beginning to benefit from.

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Fri, May 9, 2008, in msg263416, Mary Trainor-Brigham wrote ---

Just watch all three videos ~ very soul-stirring and spirit enhancing to behold her diamond confidence in her Destiny! It was stunning how non-plussed she was in the face of that patriarchal suicide, showing a new demeanor indeed. Thank you for these, Star, shall spread the word!








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