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From: Mary T.
Date: Sunday, May 11, 2008, 8:25 AM
Subject: Mahalo!
ID: 260887

..for any anxity re: publishing house was misplaced. turns out my day did include some problems re: work, but they were due to some competitive colleagues in my husband's employment.

As for Star's ques re: my braiding the two streams of Film and Indigenous life: I sincerely believe that the profound process of Initiation is the major element missing from non-tribal life. I've been involved in film in one capacity or another throughout my adult life, and have been allured by Indigenous life since childhood. As I experienced the power of film to transform, and noting its collective embrace culturally, I recognized that several of the elements of Initiation had been displaced or transplanted onto the film-going experience.

So I wrote a book, DEEP CINEMA: Film as Shamanic Initiation, to help people recognoze their inhereent involvement in the three worlds of Shamanism as well as the inexorable Death & Rebirth round of Initiation, throughout life.

Films like the one Star* is composing go a long way toward including the dynamic dimension of female Spiritual authority too often missing from this media of collective story-telling. So Bravo! to her endeavors!

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