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From: Josefina G.
Date: Monday, May 26, 2008, 12:38 PM
Subject: Unity Truth and Purpose
ID: 261409

Collectively our leaders of the world greatest battle with each other is what each one considers their truth and purpose to be, whether its a religious genesi or greed for possession and power over others.

Individually we are not any different for we all have our own concept of inner truth and in the name of our religious belief we commit all kinds of offences.

The only sense of order and TRUTH that truly exist and that we all share is the energy or the glue which unifies and balances every single atom in our so called reality. This is the divine truth that we all essentially know and attach spiritual names as Buddha, Christ, God, Goddess, Angels, etc. We define it as spiritual and claim ownership over it as a unique “Thing” to own and force on others.

This energy that we are all made out of is what unites all of us together and is shared by us all – the people, the spirits, the animals, the Earth, the plants, the sky, the sun, moon, stars, planets and any other entity that we are not aware of but exist non the less.

Our primal roots and ancestor shamans knew and understood this thousand’s of years ago and still do today. This order of energy that underlies everything should not come as a surprise to you that this is the POWER that we all have and seek.

Let us come together under one truth and recognition of a world in which we all share the same sea of loving energy and can live in harmony and awareness to create an honorable way of life for all of us, the environment, the planet as a whole, with RESPECT and REVERANCE for the SACREDNESS of ALL LIFE as our brothers and sisters. Let us give each other power instead of robbing it with cruelty, insensitivity and lack of respect for each others life.

We should have a vision of something that is sacred and meaningful to us, that gives us purpose in life, that allows our souls to flourish, and enables us to contribute to the world community we belong to. Without this our lives will be meaningless. It will not serve to be the richest person or occupy a high status (let me be clear that there’s nothing wrong with reaching these things as long as you balance it with being instrumental in the spiritual realm) if you are not remembered for the healing and empowering energy that you personally put out to your community and collectively to the world then what have you accomplished really???

Let us become Spiritual Activist by eliminating time barriers from those loved ones that have transitioned over to the other side. In this life we embrace our family and friends unfortunately we separate them from us once they transition over to the other side not realizing that we cut ourselves off from our ancestral powers of energy. If we eliminate the barriers of time between the material and immaterial planes by embracing them as family once again we can gain not only their guidance and wisdom but also be empowered by their loving presence.

Our mind has been trained by our parents and society to see everything as separate so we need to ONCE AGAIN train our minds to see the reality of the UNITY of ALL without the barriers of time. It is this concept and awareness of the unity of all that can save humanity and our very planet.

Connect to the sea of energy that unifies everything that exist at all levels and planes by your intent whether it’s through meditation, music, dance, prayer, ritual or any other form that you practice your truth to be. Drop all barriers of time and join with the spiritual realm of all ancestors from the beginning of time.

It takes action by all of us, at an individual level, so that we all do what we can to DREAM a better world. Only our deliberate INTENTION can change things. It doesn’t matter what you put your faith in. It is the act of faith – the Power of your belief – that creates a world for you to live in. Energy responds to intention.

How long do we have in order to change our world of separation that is continuously deteriorating as well as our health and lives? It may not be very long……

I propose that we reclaim our Spiritual Inheritance and Birthright and open the door to our spiritual family and welcome them in our hearts and souls by reciting the following mantra during the full moon.

“One into one becomes one”

With this I leave you with all my love and blessings and the common ground of spiritual unity.


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