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From: Martine D.
Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2008, 5:06 AM
Subject: Let us choose Women Empowerment at the Head of Europe
ID: 261778

Dear Women of Europe or European Women all over the World

My name is Martine D. I am 'technical administrator' of GTW Europe pages.

We have to act now with Woman Power.

Please take the time to read this and perhaps sing the petition and send it off to other women

who might wish to participate

We Women of Europe we want to be represented

We need A Representation with A Feminine Point of View,

We need solutions with Quality, Sustainability, Ecology, Wisdom

Respect for the persons and for the Earth


Long term vision and decisions for the Humanity Wellfare.

"Wellfare is quality and not quantity.!"

Let us use our feminine power of 'net creating'

Let us bring our inspirations and forces together.

Sincerely yours,

Martine D.

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