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From: Bettye J.
Date: Friday, July 4, 2008, 8:59 AM
Subject: Empowerment of Women
ID: 262268

Here in the U.S. today is a holiday celebrating freedom...but is there freedom? I honor Gather the Women for gathering women from all over the globe to connect and the more we connect, we can contribute to the empowerment of women--each in our own way.

I now have a new book at the printer and it will be released in August. This is my first non-fiction book and it is my awakening to the spirit within. In this book, I share tools I used to change my life and to surrender anger, jealousy, fear and resentments. The title of the book is Awakening the Genie Within.

I have also upgraded my blog and you can check out the latest at

Here is another site that is inspirational to women and you can check me out on the opening page. There is also a great blog at

Bettye Johnson

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