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From: Mary T.
Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 9:07 AM
Subject: WHALESONGS - Honoring the Guardians of the Planet in Sound, Movement, Poetry & Ritual
Reply to: 263617
ID: 263620

Thanks sooo much for this. Is there a website as well? Are the DVDs available for sale? Forgive me if I read this too swiftly to miss these details.

We just all have got to sink down into our pleasure in and reverence for the wonder of Nature, acknowledging our participation in it. This sounds like stupendous play toward that end. Thanks you again!

--- On Thu, Aug 21, 2008, in msg263617, Suellen Primost wrote ---


A workshop with Diana Marto, performance & paper artist, and Suellen Primost, cellist & sound healer

Date: Saturday, November 8, 2008 Time: 10 am-1 pm

Location: Diana Marto Studio 1329 61st St., Studio“C” Emeryville, CA 94608

Workshop Fee: $50. Includes materials and refreshments. Due to limited enrollment, early registration is advised. Contacts: For more information and/or to register for the workshop, call 707-775-4674 or 510-530-3735

Note: Diana and Suellen will be previewing the “Whaleguardian Ceremony" at the Gather the Women Conference in Petaluma, CA on October 18, 2008.


“WHALESONGS -- A WORKSHOP” for Whale Lovers & Lovers of the Sea

Shortly after 9/11, paper artist Diana Marto discovered the bones of a juvenile humpback whale that had washed ashore at Big Sur and began to cast handmade paper over them. “To my amazement, when I lifted the paper off of the bones, I felt the aliveness of the whale transferred into the paper, transmitting a message to us. Whales are said to carry the history of Mother Earth, but can we hear them?”

The "Whalesongs Workshop" will open with a “Whaleguardian Ceremony” in which participants interface with Diana’s extraordinary handcast paper whale bone sculptures set upon an expansive sea of flowing fabric. A poignant accompaniment will be provided by Suellen on cello, chimes and waterphone, a new age instrument with sounds reminiscent of whalesongs. Participants will be invited to share any wondrous stories of whale sightings and to deepen their connectedness to the great whales through shared ritual, sounding, poetry, movement and storytelling.

The “Whaleguardian Ceremony” and/or "Whalesongs Workshop" can be presented indoors or outside weather permitting to small or large groups at retreats, conferences, fundraisers, senior centers, bookstores, houses of worship, hospices, hospitals, environmental gatherings, community festivals or school events. We can also offer an installation of suspended paper whale bones, with two looped DVDs. The first DVD shows footage of Diana Marto dancing with the bones by the sea, interspersed with mother and baby whales cavorting in their birthing lagoons in Baja, California. The second is a 6-minute DVD showing the decaying process of a beached whale photographed over a 5-month period. Additionally, we can provide 4 x 8 foot handmade paper wall reliefs embedded with sea kelp, abalone shells and whale fossils which can be used as a stage set or as an art exhibition, with the artworks available for purchase.

For more information, or to arrange bookings, please contact Diana Marto at 707-775-4674 or Suellen Primost at 510-530-3735. Emails: (Marto) / (Primost)


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