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From: Mary T.
Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 9:39 AM
Subject: Launching a New Book w/ lectures/workshops available
ID: 263621


The reason I've been in absentia for many months is that I've been writing a book, which is just now launching!

The title is DEEP CINEMA: Film as Shamanic Initiation and it is available on Amazon for a 33% discount.

Am beginning a DEEP CINEMA: Women & Initiation course in New Castle, an enchantingly salty sea- coast town outside Portsmouth NH, with another soon to follow down the coast in Newburyport Massachusetts. If you live in the area or know anyone who does (workshops for males, e.g.Father-Son Initiation, are upcoming too) please contact me. Also shall be speaking at the indigenous 8th Fire Gathering in Petersham, Massachusetts 12-14 September.

The actual book launching/reading/signing will be the 8th September at the Harvard Square Scriptwriters group in Boston. This one requires pre-registration as the hall capacity is intimate.

I'm also glad to travel anywhere on Earth to make these hauntingly beautiful teachings available.

The book has been endorsed by Malidoma Some (African Elder, Dagara Tribe), John Sayles (Indie Film maker), Laura Kealoha Yardley (Hawaiian Spiritual Teacher), Christopher Vogler (best-selling author on film who says he wishes he'd written my book) Pamela Berger (filmmaker SOCERESS) Richard LaMotte (Costume Designer/Author), Brian Swimme (Prof of Cosmology, CA Institute of Integral Studies), etc.

Any help you can provide getting the word out about this, including writing glowing reviews on Amazon, would be deeply appreciated. One of its strongest themes is the endorsement of cinematic storytelling about the lives of mature women, found in the book's segments, MISSING OR MONSTROUS MATURE WOMEN and RESTORING THE DAZZLING DEPTHS.

While I've had little time to write back to you, I've enjoyed reading your postings in my mail-box and just knowing this Ohana (Hawaiian for extended family) is alive & well was an ongoing encouragement ~ Mahalo!

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