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From: Dr. Teja S.
Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 10:31 AM
Subject: Neibuhr on Diane Rehm Show
Reply to: 264427
ID: 264469

"God is bigger than the boxes we build for God, so we should not waste too much time protecting the boxes."

Thanks, Judy, for sharing.

This reminds me of a story I heard from elders while growing up:

In the heavy rainfall season, a frog is not an unusal occurance in an open well in rural areas in Idia.

When a new frog inadvertently jumped and landed in one such well, the local resident frog asked where did he come from?

"From the world outside, which is much bigger than this well."

"How big?", the resident frog asked, and started swimming around a circle to describe it. "This big?"

"No, bigger than that."

The resident frog swam across a bigger circle. "Bigger, like this?"

The answer was still in the negative.

The swim circle became wider and wider, but the new arrival kept on saying: "Bigger than that."

The widest circle now touched the inner boundary of the well. "As big as this?"

The answer to the enquiry was again " bigger than that."

The inquisitive frog finally gave up. "I don’t believe it!"

Many of us enjoy living within our boxes, just like the proverbial frog in the well.

Enjoy! Teja

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