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From: Bettye J.
Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 8:11 AM
Subject: Life in a Jar
ID: 264566

Greetings. I am still dealing with my anger at the selection of Sarah Palin as the Republican vice-presidential nominee. Having worked for women's rights and equality, I see no feminine evolutionary benefit from this selection. For women to be removed from suppression and enslavement, I applaud the work women are doing in many organizations such as Gather the Women and PeaceXPeace to name a new. I want to share information about a great woman from World War II.

This woman was a great woman and a great heroine. I only learned about her today. She passed in May of this year at the age of 98. She put aside religion and politics to do what she was led to do. Please click on these 2 sites and learn how she made a difference in this world. If only we had women in politics who could be as brave and determined as this woman. Please pass this on. Irena Sendler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project Peace is born within the mind. Bettye Johnson - new post: A Wise Woman Leads new post: Our Invisible World - Chains or Wings?

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