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From: Jeanne M.
Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 8:20 AM
Subject: Manifesting Your Heart's Desire
ID: 264743

There is a great new creation tool for manifesting what you want that I have recently been made aware of called Mind Movies. This is a very creative tool for YOU to reinforce and call in the life of your dreams. In keeping with the ideas promoted in "The Secret" Mind Movies provides visual and audio reinforcement for you to create abundance, a loving relationship, etc.

The producers have created several free Mind Movies that you can download which also provide a nice way to activate things like Health and Well Being, etc.

If you are feeling creative and like you would like a new tool to help manifest what you really want in life, I encourage you to look into Mind Movies. They are really a brilliant way to set an idea into your consciousness and activate new potential. Just click on one of the links below, or copy and paste it into your browser, to view the possibilities.

Right now the Mind Movie Program is half-off and the offer has been extended for a short amount of time. Feel free to forward to anyone you think could benefit from this.

Blessings, Jeanne

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Here is the email from Ryan, creator of Mind Movies, extending the current offer:

Last week when we launched, there were so many messages flying through cyberspace, our email delivery company (who shall remain nameless!) got completely bogged down for several hours. That meant email confirmations for orders were NOT going out, and some of those 70,000 people who were pounding on the gates for their 50% off Mind Movie Creation Kits PANICKED! In fact, what happened is 57 of them got so worried their orders hadn't gone through, they actually started all over again and RE-ordered their kits. That meant they actually paid twice. Now that the dust has settled, and refunds have been issued for duplicate orders...there are 57 more Mind Movie Creation Kits still available! AND even better, because of the snafu, we're going to make sure you still get the $3,000 worth of bonus additions as well. So if you missed out, grab yours now right here:


So from Midday Tuesday PST Tue Sep 23rd we will reopen for 24 hours or until the 57 kits are gone.


Sorry, but as soon as the 57 remaining kits are gone, we'll be back up to full price AND you won't get all $3,000 worth of bonuses. So here's where you can still get your Mind Movie Creation Kit for 50% off AND all your bonuses:

All the best, Ryan

P.S. This is really a powerful way to manifest what you want. I have already received many success stories for people who have been using the product. Here's to your success!!!

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