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From: Karen F.
Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008, 3:58 PM
Subject: The state of desperation in the USA and all over the world.
ID: 264834

Hi everyone,

The discussion you have been having regarding families feeling desperate enough to give up their children is often due to financial constraints as well as a feeling of not being able to provide everything a child needs.

The problem has a lot to do with the shape of our civilization now-a-days.

On Earth, in the 21st century, there are nearly seven billion people. This means that over six and a half billion people are struggling financially and can no longer provide the necessities they, and their families, need.

Too many people have to work one or more jobs and both the husband and the wife often have to secure employment,just to pay the mortgage or buy food. What this says is that we need a new system - and we need it now!

I watched the Presidential debate yesterday but neither candidate seemed to have actual IDEAS which would solve some of the problems. What they did was to skirt around the issues and not disclose if they had truly workable ideas. Most of their ideas also involved staying within their old ideologies - and these were the very ideologies which got us in this mess in the first place.

Well, I'm here to tell you that there are workable ideas which could be implemented in your localities. These concepts have the capacity to make life easier for many people.

The basis of these new methods is positive people power, where individuals come together to unite and use practical problem-solving and think outside the box, in order to implement new systems, ideas and workable methods which have been tried and proven in communities all over the world.

I have been gathering these ideas and I feel the time is right to teach others that the answer is unity in your community. If one person tries to change the system, he or she will find it is difficult. When many people come together to implement new ideas, the impact is much greater.

I don't want to write a long essay here so I'll just give you one example. Look at Ithaca Hours which is a local economy system, set up to increase employment and supplement people's incomes, even if they thought they couldn'tfind work within the 'regular' economic system.

If anyone is interested in how they can make practical, positive change in their communities, please contact me via email:

Or if you want all the ideas in one place, I have written a book "AlterQuest - The Alternative Quest for Answers!". Available via, or on order through a local bookstore.

Hope this information inspires some of you to realize there are new, better, 21st century ways to move forward on our world.



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