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From: Barbara V.
Date: Monday, September 29, 2008, 10:30 AM
Subject: The Nebraska Law for kids
Reply to: 264833
ID: 264857

Yeah it is an eye opener that families cannot care for their kids and are literally giving them away. I read that this was common in the South in the olden days. People would give their children away to other families - a kind of "non-sanctioned adoption" - because back then, there WAS no birth control - you just had to keep on having them.

Well, the children given away will most likely be given to families who, hopefully, DO have the means to raise them. Luckily, there are a lot of couples who are unable to have children, and DO have the means to raise the children, and WANT the children. So to some extent, this works out. This is where adoption works quite nicely. That was the spirit of my original post. The adoption industry is not ALL made up of bad people who want to swoop down on the birth mothers and take their kids away. Nor is this true of children in foreign countries. Think of China where female babies are not wanted and are given away, sometimes to prostitution, etc.

I do concur, though, that in the case of private adoptions, there are unscurlous atorneys who do engage in practices like encouraging young mothers to make decisions such as giving up their children without thinking, etc.

Anyway I agree that it i a shame that peopel are struggling with too many children, etc., and there are also people who do not support a womans' right to choose what to do with her body. Taht is a whole separate issue. People who do not support a womans' right to choose also never seem to be anywhere to help out once the children are born. they care a lot about you when you're unborn but once you're born they couldn't care less how you're fed, clothed, educated, or provided shelter for. They don't dole out checks each week. That's "not their problem." Unreal


--- On Sat, Sep 27, 2008, in msg264833, Loretta Holmes wrote ---

I just read the bullinton that Barbara Vega posted about the Nebreska law of drop off your child. We know what the intent of that law is. But I am glad that there was not an age limit. The whole country should see this. Families are suffering, every sort of family, right here in this grand USA.

The widower who has TEN children giving them up to the state is a perfect example of this suffering. Why in the world did that woman bear TEN children to this man? She died with the last birthing. And the teenagers that are being dumped is just yet another example of the suffering. Not just the children but the parents also. What would compel a parent to give up their child like that?

It is tempting to feel judgement on the parents and blame them and accuse them of ... well. But they are suffering too.

The state of Nebraska is shocked to find out just how much suffering their families are enduring. Now what will they do? Will the people reach out to them or judge them? Change the law so that only little infants will be rescued from their desperate birth mothers (not to mention the fathers of course)? Ony infants deserve to be rescued?

This all leads back to the fact that in this world of patriarchy that has stripped women of her rights to manage her own body, has led to this suffering. All other reasons for this suffering stems from this basic cause.

Teen agers and their parents are overwhelmed with all the mixed messages from our society and mixed up culture in this country. It is easy NOT to see what is going on. We are so hurry up and move it along and keeping huge schedules, fast paced everything. But kids see the crazyness and react to it in very big ways while they are doing their job of trying to find out who they are and what to do. Parents struggle to raise their kids with not only thie mixed up messages but also with less and less resources of every sort, especially money in most cases.

We have only just begun to see women regain some of her power. In this country woman is slowly gaining the right to choose what becomes of her body and the isshue of her body. It is woman after all who grow and nourish life or not. That is a fact that cannot be denied. But men have always tried to obtain that power for him self by controlling a womans right to manage this process, and keeping her poor in every way. When woman is able to control her ability to bring life or not and to be free of abusive laws that keep her trapped in poverty of every sort, then we will see families prosper and become whole.

Mean while, the spirit of mother is needed not only for these children but for their parents too. I say don't change that law, but rather encourage every state to adopt it ( a good adoption yes? ) and to reach out to those families and help them every one. And lets all of us work to avoid making judgements on the parents and work to improve their right to family planning and to assistance of every sort for their needs right now. And let us all work to get our leaders to adopt laws to insure women's freedom to choose and give aid to families every where.

A child born is a child of EVERYONE. Parents cannot do it alone! We must take resposability for all children, infant or not and help those who are considered to be the sole and only responsable caretakers of these little ones no matter their ages.

This is my passion.

Thank You Barbara Vega for bringing this to light. Blessings from our Mother to all.


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