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From: Bruce S.
Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 9:36 AM
Subject: Alliance messages
ID: 265067

Just another small thought --

The tone of the messages on the "Sophia Alliance" framework -- remains not only negative -- but probably impossible.

You did say, Ann -- that you were not going to post there again -- and then you did -- and what good does it do? So far, that entire group -- that "community" -- has not posted a single positive message about anything, that I can remember...

Tanya Gordon -- has posted a series of very negative and accusing messages. I did write her a detailed, careful, respectful private email, several weeks ago -- and she did not respond in any way, and is apparently ignoring my message. What is the point of trying to dialogue with people like this?

So far, she, among others, reject any invitation to coherent dialogue, and simply blast out their annoyance at the world -- without ever citing a specific instance or example of what they find so wrong. In my opinion, that makes the conversation impossible. Why even bother telling them this? They just flare up again, ignoring the content of the message we may have courteously sent to them.

My own feeling is -- sorry to say this -- let them soak in their misery. Apparently, they need it. When they are ready to talk in a courteous way, we can explore it. I don't see any sign they are ready for this yet.

Lots of wonderful possibilities in the air. Let's concentrate on them.


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