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From: Natasha W.
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 7:39 PM
Subject: local book store
ID: 265431

Hello all,

I want to share the news that a local and independent book store here in St. Louis, Left Bank Books, agreed to take copies of our book on

consignment. If anyone ever makes their way through St. Louis, let me know. Perhaps we could have a "Conscious Choices" book night at Left

Bank Books. We could read from our book and answer questions, thereby generating more positive energy.

Anyway, I am excited about this outlet for our book, as I initially believed I would only tell family and friends about it. Now there will be an entire

portion of St. Louis exposed to our book. And my goodness, can we ever use this kind of positive energy here, in a city that has been identified as

definitely needing help. Thank you all for sharing your positive healing energy.

With Love and Gratitude,


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