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From: lesly h.
Date: Monday, October 27, 2008, 10:10 AM
Subject: Have you wondered what happened to Steve Fossett?
Reply to: 264167
ID: 265553

I was under the impression that this was a women's group. I'm wondering how there's a message from a Dr Richard Presser......

--- On Fri, Sep 5, 2008, in msg264167, Richard Presser wrote ---

On Labor Day 2007 (USA), September 3, Steve Fossett disappeared without trace on a routine local flight.

For those who do not know who Steve was, he was a self-made multi-millionaire who set new records in human achievement on many fronts, notably in flying, sailing and ballooning, amongst other areas. You can read about his exploits at You can also see details of the initial search that was conducted to try and locate him and his plane.

No trace of Steve or his plane has been found and it has fascinated and intrigued many people as to what happened to him. How could a man who had survived extraordinarily difficult circumstances so many, many times come to grief on a short local hop? Further, there was no signal from his plane’s emergency beacon.

You can imagine my surprise when, on April 16, 2008 I received an email from an acquaintance of mine which included the following; “Another amazing thing happened yesterday evening! I found a Link in the Lightbox on the Snoedel site, to a message by Steve Fossett, who disappeared in 2007....” (More readily, see for this and other messages.) ......”After some minutes I wondered how it would be like, living at the other side as Steve now did. And then all of a sudden I feel a new energy, that appeared to be Steve Fossett himself. And guess what he asked me to do? To draw your attention to his channelled information! Keep me informed!”

Needless to say, I was a little surprised by this email, although I was already aware of these reported channellings as Steve’s disappearance had intrigued me.

The following day (my time) I received a second email containing the following; “In addition to my earlier email today, Steve should like you to ask (name deleted) to be the for your questions available channel. Obviously he is looking forward to having a means of communication with you.”

I was unable to contact the individual suggested, so I emailed my dear friend and extraordinary channel, Carolyn Evers. Carolyn made contact with Steve.

Some weeks went by and I occasionally asked Carolyn what was happening in her conversation with Steve. Gradually it emerged that he wanted to share with the world what had happened to him. More importantly, he had a message he wanted to share with the world about what was unfolding in our very near future.

This extraordinary information is being released by Carolyn in e-book form on the Anniversary of Steve’s disappearance, September 3rd, 2008. You will find it at I’m sure you will find it as fascinating as I did.

Dr. Richard Presser


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