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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 1:42 AM
Subject: A positive idea for the 21st century...
ID: 265570

Dear Everyone,

Thank you for the variety of perspectives on the Steve Fossett post, the many voices being heard... I often imagine that each perspective on an issue has at its heart a kernel of truth, and that when all the truth-hearts are joined together, we can really SEE wholeness.

Imagine if differences of opinion in our political conversations were directed toward seeing the whole picture. Imagine if getting to the truth-heart of the matter was the main intention...

Imagining into this possibility, I (representing Gather the Women) with my friends Bonnie Kelley (Evolutionary Women) and Teresa Ruelas (Offerings Publications) have been called to develop a special blogtalkradio show called The Conversation Campaign. We think that developing the potential of real conversation to bring forward truth, is a positive idea for the 21st century, Karen!

We would be delighted to have you join us and bring your wisdom about conversation to the table, maybe your learnings about this existing exchange. Our invitation is to "engage in conversation as though our lives depend on it".

Thank you for the precisions, the courage, the good intentions that you share here. Details about The Conversation Campaign on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5 pm PT follow. Hope to hear you there...

Blessings on us all in these times,
Jeanie DeRousseau


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