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From: amelia r.
Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 1:16 PM
Subject: what flows
ID: 266450

The following came flowing through me a few days ago as I was re-aligning myself to my life's mission. As the golden face of this new moon smiles on me, I share:

Like the Grandmothers and theirs have found their way through the chaos and disconnect of abandoned conscious action, in Gratitidue for the journey; healthful, abundant and in service I continue to make offers to sustain Life on Earth. I will not cry. I will breathe and align. I will open and allow the energy to move through me, simply available in effect. Each concern turn to Love, to nurture the soul of another and of this place, Earth "Mother". I will see opportunity over struggle. Cleaning out emotion knowing that I choose actions to meet an unfulfilled need for Peace on Earth, for Harmony of all beings. Transforming as we know Love. I exchange disturbance for allowance of Light. I will be able to support mankind's Transcendence. I do what I can, Now.

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