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From: Rose L.
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 6:14 PM
Subject: A simple action for Peace
Reply to: 267375
ID: 267376

Hi Sandra,

Laughter yoga? Wow, sounds great! Where can I get some info on that?

I"ve been practicing yoga for 10 years but have had some health issues that started last September and

resulted in three surgeries in as many months. The only kind of yoga I've been doing since then is facial

yoga and pranayama. I'm ready for some laughter yoga. Seriously though, I'm well on my way to

recovery now and every day is a delight.

Thanks for joining us in the meditation. Maybe you can interest your home circle in joining as well.

Namaste, Rose

--- On Sat, Mar 7, 2009, in msg267375, Sandra Thompson wrote ---

I will be joining you from northern California. I just got home from the Petaluma gather the Women of Northern CA and we had a great time. LAUGHTER YOGA ROCKS I can't wait to share with my home circle. Thanks Sandi Thompson


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