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From: Julie R.
Date: Friday, May 15, 2009, 11:00 AM
Subject: Hi I'm new. ~Welcome!
Reply to: 267911
ID: 267924

Dear Lucy, Welcome! My name is Julie Raymond. I am a member of the Gather the Women core group. I'm so grateful your path in life has brought you here! This post speaks so deeply about your heart and perception, thank you for sharing with us. Lucy, you have a sister in me because I am in complete alignment with all the points you've made.

I spent most of a year in the north last year. I never made it further south than county Meath but, hope to return in the next year or so to renew my journey. During my stay there, I met so many wonderful women and felt drawn to start a Gather the Women group, However, because I am American I was sensitive to the fact that a lasting Gather the Women circle would best the lead and formed by an Irish woman not, myself. I've mentioned the organization to several women while there but admit that I was involved in a project requireing me to spendi LOTS of time on my own and as a result wasn't able to form the necessary bond with a woman willing to take leadership. I do know a woman who is Irish and returned home to county Cork after spending considerable time here in America. To my knowledge she is not involved with Gather the Women but was very interested in becoming so. Perhaps with some support from one another, the two of you could create something wonderful there. Additionally, I met two wonderful women in the North that I maintain contact with. I'm happy to connect you to all three of them if you'd send me an email at Again, welcome! It's great to have you here. All good wishes, Julie

--- On Fri, May 15, 2009, in msg267911, Lucy Lynam wrote ---

Hi everybody, My is Lucy, I live in Ireland down the south east coast. Wexford to be exact, I wonder if you have any other members in Ireland. I have felt for some time that the world has been drifting aimlessly. We need direction so that we will not blunder into mass destruction. It is to easy to say let the others take a stand. It is time to lift our heads above the wall and say I'm hear I don't like what you have done to my world. We own the world not governments they work for us. We do not owe them they owe us big time. I do not mean money I mean a future without manufactured fear, or pollution chocking our cities, chemicals destroying our water. I say enough make the suits in the government earn the salaries they vote for. May be we should refuse to vote in up coming elections. If we do not vote then they can not rule simple. So if any other Irish people read this maybe we should not vote in the by elections or local elections. What can they do to us it is not illegal.


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