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From: Karen T.
Date: Friday, May 15, 2009, 11:02 AM
Subject: Any Members interested in the Sacred Feminine?
Reply to: 267920
ID: 267925

Greetings Ladies, I've posted on the list before but not for sometime. I'm Karen Tate and I have an internet radio show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine, on every Wednesday night. I'm located in Southern CA. I also give workshops and talks related to the Sacred Feminine (deity, archetype and ideal) to groups like the Joseph Campbell Foundation, Unitarian Universalist churches, private groups, etc. I'm wondering if the list would be interested in knowing about guests that appear on my show, or about appearances and workshops I'll be giving. Some of the guests on my radio show have included Riane Eisler, Margaret Starbird, Jean Houston, Barbara Walker - just to name a few great guests. I've also had wonderful men -- Matthew Fox, Fr. Roy Bourgeois, the advocate for women's ordination.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in my posting such things -- let me know.

Karen Tate

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