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From: Cindie W.
Date: Friday, May 15, 2009, 11:46 AM
Subject: Responding to all the notes today
ID: 267931

Since it feels like there is a ton of activity here today, I thought I'd join in. Hi everyone and thanks for all the posts. It's nice to meet you all. I live in Northern California, in the states, but I have visited Ireland and loved it!

I am a life coach and certified Retreat Coach Leader and to Victoria who is doing the collaging workshop - awesome. I love using vision boards/collaging in my retreats. They are amazingly powerful. I wish you all the best on that and know it will be fantastic.

I love getting to know all of you. I coach women at midlife to creatively find a deeper connection with themselves and am currently working on planning my next retreat.

I'm on facebook if anyone wants to connect there.

hugs to all you women,

Cindie Wilding

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