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From: Razena U.
Date: Friday, May 15, 2009, 2:36 PM
Subject: Any US Midwesterners out there?
ID: 267943

What a beautiful thing to come home to today, a mail box full of letters from amazing women!

I am in Illinois, so far from most of you, but I love to hear what others are doing out there!

It is synchronistic that I received all this mail today, because I am in the middle of planning a woman's retreat out here in the Midwest and just got approval yesterday from the place where I wanted to have it. Since so many are paying attention to the mail today, thought I would add it to the letters and see if anyone was interested.

It will be a camping experience July 24 through the 26th in Southern Indiana near Bloomington. The theme will be Invoking the Inner Goddess, exploring an aspect of the archetypal goddesses within each of us. We will use ritual, journalling, dancing, drumming, and craft work. You would need your own camping equipment, but the fee for the camping and meals would be included in the cost. Right now we are looking at a cost of about $150.00 per person. If you think you might be interested, please write me at and I can send more details as they come available!

Blessings to ALL, May the Goddess within each of us inspire us to new heights! Razena Unwin

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